Hi guys
I am using ten oracle. on Windows 2003 64. I cannot open my conscious log file. My alert log image opens in Notepad a. As a result, I got an error:

‘C: oracle admin efint bdump alert_efint.log is also sufficient for Notepad. Use a different editor to edit the file. ‘

I tried to start with Wordpad. It returns “Error documenting open error” again.

My system is working, but no one will let my warning file open. I was able to open it the day before, but not today.

All are invited

Thanks in advance ….


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Hi guys
I am using Oracle on Windows 2003 64. I cannot open my cautious log file. Alert log entry opens in notepad a. I’ll take advantage of the error:

‘C: oracle admin efint bdump alert_efint The following log file is also authoritative for Notepad. Use a different editor to edit the file. ‘

I tried to start Wordpad with it. There is still a “Open error documenting error”.


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My system is working, but it won’t let me open the warning file. I was able to open it not long ago, but not today.

How cool is that? First of all you need to do this, renaming the oracle will make sure to create a new one if needed.
Then you need a better tool, for example to open a file. Ultrared or something like that.

This is clear from the original error message. Your Vigilant file size has become too large and after that Notepad and Wordpad are largercan’t handle it. You can try opening TextPad with another editor like EditPlus or Ultraedit.

There should be plenty of other free shell alternatives. The one I used would be Notepad ++ (much better for you in Windows Notepad)

Download vim directly from http://www.vim.org
Your problem was originally caused by the warning log not resetting normally, so you should follow the proper liquidation procedures as soon as possible.

The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

By Jake Steere