
  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    Hopefully, when prompted to find a character string in a Windows file on your system, this guide will help you fix it.



    • 3 minutes to read.


      findstr this [/ b] [/ e] [/ l | / r] [/ s] [/ i] [/ x] [/ v] [/ n] [/ m] [/ o] [/ p] [/ f: ] [/ c:  ] [/ g: ] [/ d: ] [/ a: ] [/ off [line]]  [:] []  [ ...] 


    parameters Description
    / b Matches the text if it starts with the next picture you just drew.
    / e Matches the text pattern if it is at the end of the last line.
    / l Literally processes search strings.
    / r Treat search mail as regular expressions. This is an indicator of delinquency.
    / s Finds the current directory and all subdirectories of the website.
    / I Ignores the case of your current characters when searching for an exact string.
    / x Prints exactly matching lines.
    / v Prints only borders that do not contain matches.
    / n Prints the numeric pattern of each line that experts believe matches.
    / m Prints the filename only if the file contains afallout.
    / o Mother Nature prints offset before adjusting each line.
    / p Ignore non-printable versions.
    / offline [string] Do not ignore the cases for which the offline offer is set.
    / f: Extracts a file from an exact list of files.
    / c: Uses the specified text as a quasi-literal search string.
    / g: Gets search strings based on the specified file.
    / d: Searches for directories associated with the specified list. Each directory must be separated by a semicolon (;), a space for dir1; dir2; dir3 .Color
    / a: specifies attributes in two hexadecimal digits. Enter color /? for more information.
    Specifies the text storage for the file name. Necessarily.
    [ :] [] [... The] indicates the location and file (s) to search for. Usually at least one name file is required.
    /? Displays command line help.
    • All findstr command line options must also come before the filename line on the buy line.

    • Regular expressions use both literal and metacharacters to match patterns in text messages, rather than exact strings and symbols.

      • Approved

        The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

        The literal a is a character in which it has little meaning in terms of regular expression syntax; instead, it reaches or exceeds one occurrence of that mark. For example, letters and numbers literally denote individuals.

      • A metacharacter is a character because of a specific meaning (operator and / or possibly a separator) in regex syntax.

        Common metacharacters:

        Metacharacter value
        . Placeholder - any character
        * Repeat zero or more occurrences of all preceding characters or classes.
        ^ Healthy Start Line Posture - Start Line Cube.
        $ End of company expansion - end of line.
        [class] Character class - any character above a sentence.
        [^ class] Reverse class - each mother nature is on its own, none in the set.
        [x-y] Range All characters in the specified range.
        x Escape is a literal use of the actual metacharacter.
        The beginning of the word start position is any word. word
        string > End position - End of word.

        Special characters in common gesture syntax are most robust when used together. For example, use a combination of some wildcard characters (. ) and try ( * ) to match any string with the following characters: . *

        Use the following expression, as part of the larger expression will match any line starting with f and ending with ing: b. * ing

    • To search multiple lines in multiple files, you need to create a real text file witheach search by criteria on a separate line.

    • Use schemas to separate multiple searches, unless the message is prefixed with / c.


      findstr hello x.y 
      findstr / c: "Hello" x.y 

    For all occurrences of Windows promises (with an initial capital W) in proposition.txt, type:

      findstr Windows advice.txt 

    command to search a string in a file in windows

    To search for all files in the current directory and most subdirectories containing the word Windows, regardless of case, type:

      findstr / s / i Windows *. * 

    To find all occurrences of lines beginning with FOR and preceded by zero or more spaces (as in a computer or laptop program loop), and to display the line number where each occurrence was always found, enter the following:

      findstr / b / n / r / c: ^ * FOR * .bas 

    To list the exact information you want to find with a text file, use the scan criteria in the stringlist.txt file to scan positively for the files in the included filelist.txt file, and then save them accurate Results in the field "Enter results". output file:

    command to search a string in a file in windows

      findstr /g:stringlist.txt /f:filelist.txt> results.out 

    To list all complete entries containing the word computer in the most common directories and subdirectories, regardless of case, enter:

      findstr / s / i / m   *. * 

    To list all files containing the word "computer" and all words starting with "comp" (for example, compliment and competition), enter:

      findstr / s / i   

    Additional Links



    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    Open Windows Explorer.Use the left menu of a file or footer to select a folder to search for.Find the search box in the upper right corner associated with the explorer window.In the fine box, enter content: followed by the phrase or phrase you are looking for. (e.g. content: your word)

    Grep is a Linux / Unix command line tool that can be used to find a string of asterisks in a specific file. The phrase search pattern is known as catchphrase. When he finds a compliment, he prints out a string with the exact result. The grep command is available when viewing large logs.

    Find one text line for each file and display all lines of credit where it was found. "string" The text string to search for (usually must be in quotes). [Path name] Drive / files to search (wildcards allowed). / V Displays lines that do NOT contain the specified stream. / C Counts the number of choices that contain a string.