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    It looks like some readers have encountered a known compass error calculator error code. This problem occurs due to a number of factors. Let’s discuss it now.




    The arrow of the magnetic compass always points to north. This feature of the special compass needle was noticed as early as the 12th century, when people began to use the compass for special purposes at sea. This device is undoubtedly simple. However, if you draw the correct straight line from the starting point to the point of interest and follow the marked path that deviates from the only university degree, you are almost certainly unlikely to reach your desired destination, mostly over long distances.
    Typically, your learning (compass course) is influenced by two factors from the course you drew on the map (true course):

    • Compass deviation – long-term deviation
    • The gap between magnetic and real carriers – magnetic declination

    To calculate the compass based on the actual heading, but also vice versa, inYou need to distinguish between the magnetic declination setting for your location and your compass in the corresponding fields on the pocket calculator. The default values ​​calculate the compass heading from Cadiz (Spain) to Cape Saint Vincent (Portugal). For an accurate calculation, I used this calculator to determine the real grade of the school and the distance between two important objects in Loxodrome (Rumba Line), the coordinates of which I enter from Google Maps. The declination was obtained magnetically using a nautical chart of the current western Mediterranean.
    You can find detailed explanations below.

    Magnetic Deflection

    Those who read Jules Verne remember that while preparing food, Negoro had sinister plans – to send Pilgrim and his 15-year-old chef and deliberately launch them with an ax under the compass. There are several things on the ship that can affect the operation of the magnetic compass. To eliminate this effect, there are change tables for each compass that show the deviations for different courses. Over time, theIt can be affected by the installation of new equipment or the magnetization of our own old iron parts, so the tables are likely to be updated regularly. Using the value shown in the spread table, this should help you get the compass heading in the market as close to the magnetic heading as possible. To do this, the deviation value of the compass heading element is added to the main compass heading if it deviates to the east, or possibly even subtracted if it deviates to the west.

    Magnetic Declination

    Magnetic disparity on a nautical chart

    Magnetic declination does not depend on the material of the ship, but on its own location and changes over time, like the deflection, but in a much more predictable way. The magnetic declination is implicitly displayed on the map with the mandatory indication of the year of measurement, as well as the average annual change. To use a route, we first get a magnetic route and therefore add magnetic declination to the east or subtract west. Then it is almost certainly taken into account the average of the years This is not the change in magnetic declination (multiplied by the number of years and then inserted or subtracted).

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    compass error calculator

    The process of switching between almost any compass and its true path is known as rumba correction, and the process it supports is known as rumba conversion.
    Typically, you can find English in navigational literature that will allow you to memorize one huge word: CadET
    This means C (compass), ad (d), E (astral error), T (street). The reverse conversion is the same, but instead of adding the Eastern amendments, we subtract them.

    • V.S. Mikhailov, V.G. Kudryavtsev, V.S. Davydov and navigation instructions
    • Tim Bartlett: An Introduction to Navigation. RY.

    Magnetic compass for navigation.

    compass error calculator

    The magnetic declination changes over time, here you must indicate in which year the magnetic declination should have been determined

    Magnetic compass deviation values ​​are now evenly spaced for each heading from 0 to 360 degreesv.


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    Correcting compass errors is usually done by creating a claims corrector to reduce itdeviations from the compass for each individual ship heading. A fix, however, could possibly have been accomplished by installing correctors to balance the command forces by compass in order to capture all of the ship’s routes.

    The error lies in the compass deflection, which changes from a few degrees east to some areas west of magnetic north as the main ship turns. that is, compass heading = magnetic heading minus the deviation from the compass to the east.