If your computer is showing an error in JavaScript in Visual Studio 2008, you need to check these ideas for a solution.


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    Development tools for the modern web user. Every modern browser has tools that you can use to debug your code.A debugging tool that can be hacked is Debugger.Node.Postman for debugging requests and comments.ESLint.JS-Bin.JSON trainer and validator.Webpack.

    One ofThe most difficult development task is to debug client-side JavaScript code. Tools like Firebug can be helpful, but in the case of Firebug you need to use Firefox. Fortunately, Visual Studio 2008 has just about any robust and developer-friendly environment for debugging JavaScript.


    debug in javascript in visual studio 2008

    Whenever I hear developers discussing the JavaScript debugger in Visual Studio 2008 features, I find it helpful to point out that this feature has been around for a long time in previous versions of the Visual Studio IDE. This is true, of course, but new features in Visual Studio 2008 make the application much easier to use.

    The annoying part of JavaScript debugging in Visual Studio is 2005 that you have, so you can start the application first before any breakpoint can be created in your custom JavaScript. This approach was configured in Visual Studio 2008 to allow breakpoints to be set in the source code before starting the application. In fact, you can fix these things in both your C # / VB.NET code and JavaScript. Therefore, when appliedOnce started, you can break any breakpoint regardless of the law.


    The debugger is actually enabled, as is the Debug menu in Visual Studio 2008. You go to Debug | Start the debug routine or press [F5].

    With customized Visual Studio 2008, there is an additional requirement for JavaScript debugging: Script debugging must be enabled in Internet Explorer. This zone is created using tools | … The Internet Options menu is available in Internet Explorer. After the Internet Options dialog box is likely to open, select the Advanced tab, then the Disable Script Debugging option appears in the Browse section. If it is not verified, as experts say, it is activated. Figure A shows that the script debug plan deactivation plan is disabled.Figure A

    Figure A. Enabling script debugging before Internet Explorer

    debug in javascript in visual studio 2008

    If Internet Explorer debugging is enabled, you will probably start debugging your JavaScript code.


    The JavaScript debugger includes many standard debugging functions. Wann provides an overview of some of these features.

    • Breakpoints: Breakpoints allow users to stop code execution at specific points in the source code. Points JavaScript breakpoints work the same way as C # / VB breakpoints.

      Breakpoints are set / removed by clicking to the left of the code in the IDE; Using the Debug Diet or using the Breakpoint context menu available by right-clicking on any code. In addition, you can create conditional breakpoints that allow you to set a breakpoint for conditions, as well as set up the ideal startup macro or print message when the breakpoint is actually triggered.

      Breakpoints are visible in the viewport, which is located at the bottom left of Visual Studio 2008 by default.

    • Call Stack: The bottom right stack of call tabs in Visual Studio 2009 lets you see what is actually called when the ASP.NET website is loaded / executed.
    • Local: The Local tab in the lower left corner of Visual Studio 2008 allows you to see my variable and object values ​​from script execution. You can also compare the contents of any of your current local variables while the page is open without asking questions.
    • Code execution. Immediate window shelf in lower right cornerVisual Studio 2008 lets you execute JavaScript code on the fly while history is running. Debug

    The Visual Studio 2008 dropdown menu actually has a Windows submenu that allows you to define which object windows to display when debugging. The tests in this article use local variables, watchdog, call stack, and immediate window.

    A function almost exclusively used in debugging is often breakpoints, because you can use these types to stop code execution and check the state of variables and gadgets that are currently in the software. Breakpoints provide a number of useful functions (available from the Debug drop-down menu during a debugging session).

    Execute code when it stops at each breakpoint – unless it’s a conditional breakpoint that fails. After the pin is paused, you can continue the line for some time, or until the next breakpoint is actually reached.

    The fact that the debugger isEnabled, indicates the Debug menu in Visual Studio 2008. You go to Debug | Start a debug drill or press F5. A picture is worth a thousand words, so study it carefully before using the debugger.

    In Action

    As a simple and correct example, I have an ASP.NET website that contains three JavaScript functions. Function 1 fills the DIV tag on the page with the passed text that you can use. The second function displays the measured values ​​transmitted to it in a pop-up window via the warning function. The last function fills the number of DIVs with the text “Loaded”; This function is loaded immediately after the page is called.

    Figure B shows this page in current debug mode. A breakpoint must be set on a line that populates the local variable with the content of the DIV tag on the page. The red circle to the left of the line, how about knowing it should be breakpoint a. The line of code to be executed is highlighted in yellow last.Figure B

    Figure B. Sample page open for debugging in Visual Studio 2008

    In addition, a completely new clock has been defined for this divText variable so that many of its associated parts are visible throughout the viewport at the bottom of the screen. Monitors have recently been significantly improved in Visual Studio 2007 and are much more detailed. You will now often see the asset’s current equipment and events, as well as information about the owner and type of ownership.

    Dynamic Character

    The hallmark of JavaScript is its soul, dynamism, whereas the code that is actually loaded into the browser when a request is made is often different from the actions in the IDE. Code is often generated and scripts can be saved as methods, loaded from elsewhere, or integrated with other compiled controls.


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    The Visual Script Documents feature in Studio 2008 makes it easy to understand what is loaded and what has been created in particular. When debugging, the Script Documents node usually appears in the Solution Explorer pane. It includes the URL of each resource loaded into the page. This can be seen in the upper right figure for B.

    Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General and disable all electronics in the Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome, Edge and IE) setting. Then you activate “F5” once. The above option allows you to debug both JavaScript and TypeScript in Visual Studio while using Google Chrome or Edge as your web browser.

    Another note regarding theJavaScript but dynamic properties – setting breakpoints in the source code. Visual Studio 2008 automatically maps the position of your breakpoint to the dynamically generated paper being loaded into the browser. If you set breakpoints on the work-side, the IDE slows down the display so that the breakpoints are usually updated in the source code.

    Take A Look

    Troubleshooting is an integral part of any designer’s job. Debugging standard code has never been a problem, but working with JavaScript has always been a problem. Visual Studio 2008 makes it easy to use an improved debugger that simplifies some of the work available for what your JavaScript actually does at runtime.

    What tools do you use to work with JavaScript? Will Visual Studio To 2008 Personal Plan work with JavaScript now or only in the future? Share your thoughts with the web developer community.

    Use Chrome Developer Console for Debugging The only way to find the error is through the console. But for now, browsers like Chrome and Firefox offer a developer console. Often, you can open your JavaScript code in the console, add breakpoints, and debug your code.

    Tony Patton began his professional career as an application developer and has received Java, VB, Lotus and XML certifications to prove his knowledge.

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