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    Over the past few weeks, some of our readers have reported encountering the .NET C# debugging Service.


    I recently worked on a project that required the development of a custom C# service for Windows, and it’s been a long time since I finally created one. I already forgot how difficult it is to debug a lot. Teaching a service to debug involves creating a service, starting it, loading it, and then attaching it to the ticker process in Visual Studio. Doesn’t seem like a lot of work to do every time you think about something, does it?

    msc and need Visual Studio> Debug> Attach to Process and Attach to Windows Service. You might also want to consider using a thread. Sleep (10000) as the first line in an OnStart call or in the debugger. Break () to help users place parentheses before starting the service.

    Instead, I’m going to show you a very simple formulation of debugging a Windows service. There are a few caveats to this approach, but I’ll cover them in a separate concluding article.

    After creating or creating a service window, open the Configuration Manager and add any new solution configuration. I usually copy the debug configuration and name it “Debug NOSERVICE” in domain quality. Then set up the home to create all the projects and platforms required. Come on

    Install your work.Start service.yourOpen the project for Visual studio.NET.Then select the “In Progress” menu in “Special Debugging”.Click View System Processes to computer.Among the available processes, find the process created by your company division.

    Then go to the project properties (Alt Enter) + and click on the “Build” tab. FirstPlease select the new solution configuration we just created. Then add a conditional collection symbol – you can name it whatever you want. I usually go with “NOSERVICE”. This allows us to use any #if directive to specify a Compile to code block only if the symbol is actually defined.

    debug service .net c#

    After setting up the conditional, unload the service code and create test methods that reflect the service methods you want to test. We’ll probably wrap them in a #if NOSERVICE directive so that the compiler will insert this code separately when setting the image.

    Add a call to get started at the beginning of this OnStart () method.Run the solutions (you can use network start, perhaps run it from the Services window).Select Yes, Debug .In the just-in-time debugger window, select the desired Visual Studio performance that you can use for debugging.

    We’re almost done. An amplifying reference to System.Windows.Forms. Now open the larger part of the “program.cs” file and import the “System.Windows.In” files with the NOSERVICE “”#if” directive. In the main human #if method, add a NOSERVICE directive and place the “perform service” command in the “else” part of the directive. In each “if” part, we use expert services as an object class and introduce test methods using a message box to make them work.

    This is a quick trick for a specific Debug Window Service project. As I alreadyominal above, when debugging in this way, there are not so many warnings. This approach allows you to test some of the logic running in the service. Unfortunately, some objects don’t interact with the duplicate as they would in a real Windows service. If you have suggestions queued in the ThreadPool for research purposes, the onstop method will not be called until the ThreadPool is empty. However, this hack can also be useful, especially if you need to debug small changes or moves throughout the process. Come on, it’s practical, and I wish it would help you.



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    If you’re developing a desired Windows service and want to start or debug it, you’ll get a message box with this actual message:

    The service cannot be started from the instruction set or from the debugger.You need to install the windows service first (using installutil.exe)then started from the ServerExplorer window, Administrative or ServicesTool command NET START.For

    Your best bet is to create a configuration service in debug.Install your service.Start the service, often from the Service Manager, Server Explorer control, or Code.Launch Visual Studio with administrator credentials to power up the system processes.

    so for testing you first need to install it on your no Well, it’s tedious and boring because every time you make a change, you can reinstall your service and test it again.


    Install your service.Start this particular service.Open your project in Visual Studio .NET.Then you prefer the processes from the Debug menu.Click View System Processes.In the Processes section, find the process provided by your department.

    To debug or test your non-maintenance installation, change the following to Program.cs.

    Static class program main static void() ServicesBase[] ServicesToRun; ServicesToRun = new service base[]optional MyService(); ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun);

    Static class program main static void() #if(!DEBUG) ServicesBase[] ServicesToRun; ServicesToRun = new service base[]MyModernService(); ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun); #different MyService NewMyService(); myServ = myServ.Process(); Yes #the end

    After adding #if as well as #else to your main function, the message will no longer be displayed publicly when you press F5 or start a new previous service and just run it, so add a breakpoint to your method that will be set by the service when it’s ready to run. ANDWith all this code, you can easily debug your own service without installing it.

    debug service .net c#

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    msc and use the menu Visual Studio > Debug > Attach for Process and attach it to the Windows service. You may also want to consider using yarn. Sleep(10000) as the very first line in a call to the OnStart Debugger, or alternatively.Break() so you can connect before the service has done any work.

    For a nice WCF service in Visual Shop 2010, select -> debug to attach the process. Check the “Show all and user processes” checkbox, select w3p.exe the actual event you’re using IIS, or the main name of the application, if of course. Set a breakpoint, make an AND call, then you can start debugging.