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If you are getting error code 200 turbo pascal 7.0, today’s user manual should help.


  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
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    g.Runtime error 200 (division by zero) is often caused by a bug in certain versions of the Turbo Pascal and Borland Pascal compilers (version 6 and earlier). EXE to disable the related error. There are several programs that make this possible. The one thing I can’t live without is PatchCRT from Kennedy Software.



    error 200 turbo pascal 7.0

    If you are possibly trying to play an old problem written in Turbo Pascal, there is a good chance you will get 200 (division by% error) on any brewing system above 200 MHz. This program solves the problem of fixing your executable file.

    ctbppat v1.2 © Andreas Stiller [April 2000] [â € ¦]

    ctbppat v1.2 © Andreas Stiller [April 2000]

    ctbppat fixes Borland Pascal coded methods that cause runtime errors on 200 systems above 200 MHz. This error is related to incorrect initialization of the DELAY counter.

    ctbppat is also a versatile EXE monitor, scanner and patcher. Supports common MZ EXE formats – for DOS; NE for OS /2, DPMI and Windows 3.11; PE and for 32-bit regions – and can recognize the language in which the file was created. Running “bppatch *. * [/ P]” / s saves all file formats to the old directory.

    If you are using / NE, / MZ, or / PE turns, ctbppat must be constrained to the appropriate EXE composition. This increases the speed of scanning files. Running in pure DOS mode will (if possible) increase the scan speed.

    If ctbppat finds an exe built with Borland Pascal 7.0, it further examines the file to see if it uses the original or even a modified CRT module, if that version has already been patched, and if it is a DELAY function more or less called. (The fix is ​​deprecated otherwise.)
    Depending on the outcome of this awesome investigation, ctbppat may suggest a file in place. If a functional delay is used, it can be corrected by using a different daily delay, which should work fine to keep you at ~ 4 GHz.
    For this, the CRT device BREAK habits are shorter and the delay code is inserted directly into free space station.

    If DELAY is never used, the divisor is simply incremented to 65535. This prevents DELAY from working; However, this should ensure that the market program can (in theory) run on a 300 GHz processor.

    If the CRT block has been incremented but contains the same bad initialization, ctbppat changes the wrong divisor (255 => 1).


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    ctbppat only parses creative CRTs – routines that have similar reasons for bad code in toolboxes are left unchanged. However, by running [filename “ctbppat.ext] / brute”, you can force the program to look for the wrong code WITHOUT further parsing (which reduces the number of error checks and then allows you to change the erroneous code). Ctbppat then lets you fix the code with an amazing standard divisor (which is 255, but with the switch “/ BRUTE = XXXX” where XXXX is the divisor in HEX, you can enter your own divisor). When the file is repaired, a new file of any type (eg $) is created, including permanently overwriting the original EXE (if desired).


    While all software fixes are treated with great care, no specific guarantees are made that they will function correctly. Some programs use OVERLAY storages (OVR files), which may prevent the restored programs from working correctly.

    All issues can usually be in international “” language to make the program a little difficult for foreigners.

    As a usefulness, ctbppat also contains a small file monitor that can dump or disassemble the contents of directories, or display lists of segments and other EXE (MZ / PE / NE) headers. The disassembler file displays addresses and their associated logical addresses. It supports MMX and 3DNow!.

    TO START: “ctbppat [filename.ext] / my”

    The file contains an upgraded version of the CRT block that should be suitable for wall clocks up to 300 GHz.

    Good luck!
    Andreas Stiller