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    Here are some easy ways to help you fix the Excel vba runtime error 1004 worksheet function issue.

    I have a VBA look at a table added to another table open at an earlier stage in my new macro. The macro worked fine, but recently discovered that it was throwing a 1004 TB error (“Unable to get the RoundDown property of the WorksheetFunction”).

    I think I understand the cause of the error (problem when starting RoundDown), but I don’t understand why this task is triggered in a great macro, and the weird part is what happens – if I enter the Debug parameter, continue. With the code present in VBE, the error just doesn’t repeat itself (although obviously nothing changes).

    Do many people have similar experiences with modeling this inconsistent error, so what can I do if you want to fix it?

    I am quite familiar with VBA / Excel, but would appreciate any suggestions for other parsing steps. I was wondering if some people had problems with the open table, but I don’t understand how.

    The code is here. The error occurs on the comment line.

      Public Function GetDatesA (sWorkbookname As String, sSheetname As String, sCell As String) as an optionDim vDateList () as an option    Dim current cell as range    The sun and so long    The set corresponds to the workbooks currentCell (sWorkbookname) .Worksheets (sSheetname) .Range (sCell)    n means 0    Make        If Trim (currentCell.Value) = "" Then            End        Another            ReDim Preserve vDateList (0 to specific, 0 to n)            vDateList (0, n) = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown (currentCell.Value, 0) 'Network error this awesome vDateList (1, n) = currentCell.Column            'Debug.Print currentCell.Value        Exit when       Set currentCell to currentCell.Offset (0, 1)        = chemical n + 1    Loop until currentCell.Column  
    • Excel version: 2010

    • The file you just opened is located locally on some C: drives. my macro brings the table to the network

    • The file structure for both files is .xls (i.e. Excel 2003) - I have no way to change this

    • Windows 10 (I don't think it will be relevant)

    • Replace the worksheet with another holiday (like Min (currentCell)) and that will make the same problem worse too

    • It looks like unlocking the file is already completing the review - I was wondering if there was still a chance that openingMay the book (and not just the main book with the macro at the top) is not activated when it comes to macros and that worries me. But even if this is the end, I don't know how to find out!


    These matching problems occur when the Matching function is used but no match was found.

    Position Match lets you know the position of the one-dimensional full price that text or numbers match.

    This error concerns the "1004 runtime". Runtime error is a type of error that occurs while executing a coupon code. VBA doesn't know about this method until it actually runs the computer code. It stops executing some code.

    The custom error "1004" is very similar to the application-defined error defined by the object.

    In other words, this special run-time error occurs when VBA is unable to examine an object. The celebration of the match should be the subject of the returning partner. When no other match is found, VBA recognizes that there is a fantastic unidentified match object, and thereforevolume throws this particular runtime error 1004.

    Visit to see other examples of valuable time errors.

    Example 1: Use Application.Match Instead

    A notable problem with using WorksheetFunction.Match is that IT throws an error if no match is found, which complicates things a bit (we'll see how to deal with this in my next example). But why not use this? Application.Match instead?

    excel vba runtime error 1004 worksheetfunction

    This is the same fact, but without the error of ejecting half. This means it works the same way as WorksheetFunction.Match if a is considered a match, but if no match is found it probably won't throw an error.

    In addition, Application.Match recognizes the error and can free this placement if you force it. Another way to look at it is to think of WorksheetFunction.Match as a function that creates a Match object and / or if it doesn't find a new match, it doesn't know what to do. p>However,

    Application.Match has a way to try and create a connection object, and if it just doesn't finds matches, adds an error object instead (so no error is returned).

    Displaying errors is tedious; It stops progress and code you enter without valid objects as a working method. But if users have an error object, then you have a valid object that you can work with very well. In this example, we are all trying to assign a value to the middle finger in column 1, which is almost nonexistent. Leave column 1 empty for now.

     Sub-No_Match ()matchRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match ("test", columns (1), 0)The end of the submarine

     Sub-No_Match ()matchRow = Application.Match ("test", columns (1), 0)End of code under

    Execution will be performed in case of problems. This should be enough to make sure you never run into a dreadful error that stops your entire application. Below is an illustration of how we can potentially handle the error in a much more meaningful and appropriate way for each purpose.

    Example 2: Handling An Error


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    In this case, we are aboutWe handle the error in the same way that the flow of our directives changes depending on whether we received an error during the comparison.

    This is usually very necessary when coding real applications, because if we don't find what we're looking for, we'll have to deal with these management issues.

    Usually when you need to match the word order to make sure you can figure out which row / column it is in, so we do something that consists of that row / column.

     Sub-MismatchErrorHandling ()matchRow = Application.Match ("test", columns (1), 0)If IsError (matchRow) Then    MsgBox "No matches"Another    MsgBox "Match string: inches and matchRowEnd ifThe end of the submarine

    Note that since we are working with Application.Match, we can now check if the matchRow object is the error of this object. In this case, the IsError (matchRow) statement will evaluate to true for you and the message box should display "No match."


    Using Application.Match instead of WorksheetFunction.Will match Ensures that the idea assigned to create a match is broadly specified when no match is found.

    If a match is found, the site receives the complete match, including the match value. But, perhaps, it will not be found, then the error will be finally assigned to the object, and the error will become an object that can contain standard error descriptions, for example, error name, description, number. Whether this is a toy bug or not can be easily determined with IsError (checkObj) with:

    excel vba runtime error 1004 worksheetfunction

    flagged application or object-defined error, application.match, error, error handling, product, IsError, MATCH, properties, runtime error '1004', runtime error, Calcul.match worksheet function

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