This user guide is written to help you if you receive a CSS error message from Facebook.


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    g.NO, CSS never returns an error. You cannot see any errors in the console or elsewhere caused by CSS. As CSS has become a pure style language, and if things don’t look as expected, information technology tends to go unnoticed.




    I am working on composing an error message similar to the error message on the Facebook registration page as shown below

    I tried to get rectangular boxes like this

    but my spouse doesn’t know how to get a pointer to the text displayed on CSS class

      .nameAndNumReq    Red color;    Width: 100 pixels;left: 180 pixels;    high: 10 pixels;    Font size: small;    Upholstery top: 2px;    Bottom padding: 2 pixels;    Position: absolute;    Border: 1px solid red;    Background color: white;    Edge radius: 2 pixels;     

    # 803 – Facebook Cannot Find This Username.

    • Make sure you only use one Facebook ID (page / album / event / group).
    • DO NOT use full URL to generate short time code (just copy what exactly is between / and? In this example, the identifier will be Slickremix).
    • If you need help getting your Facebook Page or Video ID, click here to see how.
    • If you are asking for the Facebook ID for an individual photo gallery or the Facebook Album Cover ID, click here to learn how.

    If your family is still struggling, we have the opportunity to be more than happy. Please post a support thread on the Feed Them Social forum.

    # 100 – Request Not Supported For Polling.

    facebook error message css

    If you still have problems, we will be happy to help. Please post a thread on our Feed Them Social support forum.

    # 803.2 – Users Cannot Prompt For Their Username.

    • Make sure you are not using a “pretty name” when using this Facebook group or personal Facebook account. When this is the case, you need to convert your pretty domain name to an identifier. Just copy the Facebook url and get your username here.

    If you still have problems, we will be happy to help. Please create a product on our Feed Them Social support forum.

    # 4, # 341, # 17, – Too Many Facebook Calls.

    • If the public is using our standard APP credentials, they may fail because you might be using a large number of AGV users. – Please click the button on the Facebook plugin options page to use the plugin and get your own token access page.
    • If you have ever broken a button using bothany type of access token that we have provided and you still see the message “# 4 ​​- Too many Facebook calls”, your website needs a while to go to the memory caching tab> Settings Global Options our plugin. This setting for at least a day or more is the right option and should help the person on the right diet. Besides, it is also helpful to use a large caching plugin. You may have to wait a day or two to view the feed again after you hit your frequency limit.

    If you still have problems, we will be happy to help. Please post a thread on our Feed Them Social support forum.

    # 190 – Application Validation Failed. Invalid App ID.

    • Click the Facebook Page Options button of our plugin to get your own page access token. APP IDs are no longer suitable for in-thread creation.

    If the problem persists, most people will need more than just help. Please add a subjectto our social media support forum.

    # 104 – Requesting This Resource Requires Access To A Token.
    # 210 – This Requires A Call To The Page Fetch Token.

    If you are using the Facebook Review extension and you receive this error, please check the following:

    • Did you create your own page access token? Otherwise, learn how to create a token that never expires.
    • Are you sure you copied and pasted all Page Access Tokens to your Facebook Options Fan Page under the Feed Them tab in your WordPress dashboard?

    If you still have problems, we will be happy to help. Please raise a topic on our forum for Feed Them Social.

    No Reviews Found. May Or
    You Do Not Have Administrator Rights For This Page.

    Create a kind of warning box using the my-notify-warning CSS class. Create an error message box using the my-notify-error CSS class. You don’t need to use a div. You can add a CSS class to any element, just a span element for illustration.

    • Are you the administrator of the page from which you want to create reviews? You MUST have admin rights on your Facebook page to be able to take reviews into account. Click here for how to do this.
    • DO NOT use full URL generation if the shortcode is (Copy only what is actually between / and ?, This example displays the Slickremix ID
    • Have you created a page access token? Facebook needs it to build websites. Here’s how to create an unlimited token.
    • If you recently changed your current Facebook password, you will need to create a new page access token to regain access to reviews.

    If you still have problems, we will be happy to help. Please post a thread on our support forum Social.Marks Feed Them

    Question About Displayed Images

    • First of all, make sure you are using your own Facebook app token and not our default wedding. You can add your APP token on the Facebook options page to use our plugin, the last time on your current page. Here’s how to create a Facebook token app.
    • If customers still have question marks for collections, make sure your Facebook app uses API v2.5 at least.

    If you are still eating problems, everyone will be happy to help you. Please post a thread regarding our support in the forum for Feed Them Social.

    Serious Activation In Case Of Error

    • This is a known issue with Godaddy and Bluehost. We are testing our own plugin to make sure you are running PHP version 5.3 or higher. While you are using a good, reliable version of PHP in a later version in many cases, this error will still occur because the host php.ini file does not have the correct PHP version. To solve the following problems, talk to your host and have the children do it for you.

    If you still have problems, we will be happy to help. Please do research to support our Feed Them Social forum.

    # 1 – A Known Error Has Occurred With The Group Floor It Is Currently On.

    • Facebook is currently throwing an error in the API. If you have a post pinned to your group, you will get the specified error. Just log out of your Facebook group and my feed will work. Once Facebook has programmed this problem, we will let you know that everyone has a newth update, that is, the log of changes for it. Please follow the bug here.

    facebook error message css

    If you run into serious problems, we’ll be happy to help. Please prepare a topic on our social media help forum.


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    Syntax: node.textContent = “Error message” // To get attention, is “red”;Example: