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  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    Recently, some users encountered a well-known error code that determines the last time they logged into Windows. This problem can occur for several reasons. Now we will discuss them. Click on “Users” in the left pane and select any user, click on a user account and basically click on “Properties”. Find lastLogon in the list of connections. This attribute indicates the time the user is logged on to the domain.

    Locate the user’s page and right-click the user’s topic. In the User Properties area, click the General tab. The lastLogon attribute should actually display the last logon time associated with the user account.

  • Anonymous

    How can I find the specific user who last logged into the computer?
    IS, that is, is there a way to find it from the command line?

  • kumar

    Import the Active Directory module


    $dcs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter name -like “*”
    $time implies 0
    foreach($dc to $dcs)

    $hostname = $dc.hostname
    $user = Get-ADUser
    $dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($time)
    Write-Host $username “Last connected to:” $dt -UserName


  • how to find last login time in windows

    Tech blogger

    I think in Eventwood we can find the last username with the highlight. I don’t necessarily know a way to grab this from the command line.

  • Dweez

    I’m using CMD Admin correctly. But I get the message “FINDSTR: msg: cannot open connection”?

    Can you explain to me?

    Thank you.

  • Administrator

    I think the owners did something similar below
    pure man or woman Admin Findstr | /B /C:Last login
    You may have missed the double quotes around “Last Login”. Run “Network User Administrator |” findstr /C: “Last entry /b”. This will indicate the connection time.

  • Nurain Akram

    what command to use if you want to see the last 5 connections??

  • XYZ

    You can also identify it by typing the following for cmd (command line):

    Network user (press Enter)

    then click to return
    network user xxx

    xxx is the login name given to you by the first network user associated with the command

  • J. S. Morley

    I think the network user’s gender only shows the user’s last login time, which of course won’t be reflected when you restart Windows, if you originally configured this account to login, you don’t need to just login with a password . The date and time are only correct if the user actually needed to enterand password and “login”.

    I think the best alternative would be

    quser xxx

    Displays the date and time the user account was logged on, as well as any Windows restarts that bypassed the account process.

    C:>Kuser Jeffrey
    >Jeffrey Console 2 Don’t activate them 01/16/2016 11:20

  • Jocelyn

    Quser worked great!! I’ve always had problems with “net user” on my work computer, because due to the way the network is set up (I don’t have admin rights), quser worked again!

  • Elas Gonzalez

    How can I use it to display multiple notes? For example, if you want the user and name to reflect the last set password. Thank you!

  • Jared

    Is there a way to run this command on an OU in AD so I can optionally export a list of users through that OU with their latest data?

  • Hardik

    “net” is not recognized as an internal or external command executed by the schemama or batch file

    It happened, what can I do…

  • Nur Azlan

    Is there a way in CMD to log the last 3-6 users with datetime or period and save them to a text file? my lab keyboard button.

  • Christian Blackburn

    Quser cblackburn I was just what I needed to rate you. Is there another receipt that will show me the time left when I locked or unlocked a car that would be much younger. I know it’s in the event viewer, but you’re a mess.

  • Matthew

    Works great for local users with respect to Server 2008 R2

  • Sub

    Which command is useful if we want 10 connections to always work? ?

  • Anonymous 2

    How can the model know when the driver was last logged in?
    Is there a convenient way to find this control string?

    Kumar’s answer doesn’t work as a user on the computer. It suggests the domain when the user connects to the computer.

  • Only blomes are different

    how to find last login time in windows

    This works for local accountsNew posts.

  • William (Kip) Dole

    Have you tried toggling the /DOMAIN switch after the login?

  • Baccarat

    who got it?? to see what the latest shares of users have been using the following machine xxx.

  • David

    This should be updated for Windows 10 as users often sign in with a pin or pin code. There should be a new cmd to set the “login” display to. People usually don’t log in with a password anymore. In most cases, it can come before the PIN.

  • C

    For 1809 and later, this build fix does not work 100%
    CMD visited your blog in vain.

  • Caesar Le Fever

    How can I change most commands to achieve this for all users nearby.
    This way, I wouldn’t have to re-type this command as every user.

  • Wild

    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
    FOR /D %%A to the end (“c:Users*”) DO (
    set “userProfile=%%~nxA”
    users !userProfile! /domain | findstr /C:”Last Login”

  • Search does not work if the output is frequently found by the user

  • Wild


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    netjohn /domain | findstr /C: “Last Login”

    This may not reflect your logon date if you have multiple domain controllers. For example, new Internet domain controllers cannot have a user logon date.

  • Get-ADUserLastLogon([string]$userName)

    $dcs is equal to Get-ADDomainController -Filter -similar name “*”
    $time is 0
    foreach($dc to $dcs)

    $hostname = $dc.hostname
    $user implies Get-ADUser
    $dt is equivalent to [DateTime]::FromFileTime($time)
    Write-Host $username “last login in:” $dt

    I’m running CMD with the correct administrator. But I get a MSG message: “FINDSTR: Failed to open connection”?

    You can also check this by typing the following command in cmd (command prompt):

    xxx- The username that your whole family received from the first order of the resulting user

    I think net user xxx will most likely only show the user’s last login time, which will definitely reflect on Windows reboots if you have a bundled account that doesn’t initially require verbose login. The logout date and time are only correct if your current user isreally should have entered the password here and “logged in”.

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.