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This blog post will help you if you noticed how to install a BIOS update from a CD.


  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.



    I wanted to update the BIOS to a feature of older OEM motherboards, but found that they do not support flashing a specific BIOS in Windows and terribly cannot get a weak CD player. Also, support for these mobile devices did not start with USB.

    If over time you are unable to update your motherboard through BIOS, you can use this guide to update BIOS from your own bootable CD.

    OTKAFROM RESPONSIBILITY: neither me nor techPowerUp! Take full responsibility for dents or damage to the material by following the instructions. Use yourself. It is recommended that you try to make a BIOS backup first. I personally tested this app on flower garden mobos without any problem, but your results may vary.

    You may need a blank CD-R or CD-RW a. Of course CD-RW should be a more attractive option. If you only have one DVD-R pro or DVD-RW, that’s ok, because anyone can burn an ISO file attached to ANY type of disc, as long as your optical drive can hold it.

    1. Boot your BIOS again and try to make sure it has a bragging utility. If it does not appear due to the blinking utility, download the setup utility for your BIOS.
    Use Award Flash Utility (AWDFLASH) if you think you have Award / Phoenix BIOS.
    Use AMI Flash Utility (AMIBIOS) if you have a great AMI BIOS.
    etc. etc.
    Also download and create Flashcd to extract content. This is your tool that you will use to ensure that theYou create an ISO. Please see the Readme file for more information, but I covered the prerequisites in this tutorial.


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    2. Open CreateFlashCD and you will see the following computer screen. Click on the three dots in the next Flash Program window shown here:

    3. Go to the folder with the firmware (the one you received earlier) and select it. Hopefully this happened to your BIOS when you downloaded the program. See here:

    4. Now often click on the three dots next to the “BIOS file” field and navigate to your new BIOS file, here:

    5 saw. Make a note of the filename, you will need it later. It says W7053IMS.170 – make sure the filename is currently no longer than 10 (there are no characters in the extension, so the extension appears as “.170”). If your filename contains more than 8 break characters, you can use this window to replace the filename with a short name.
    A good filename is “W7093IMS. (8 180 characters plus 3 for this extension)”
    wrong file name – “W7093IMSX.180” (9 people plus 3 for the extension)

    Repeat tip 4 if you needed to move file name else, skip to step 6.

    how to install bios update from cd

    6. Feel free to borrow counters if you have them, but I’ll definitely come back to that here. After adding the switches, click “Create FlashCD” and choose to save the new ISO, see here:

    7. Close CreateFlashCD and navigate to the folder where you want to save the positive ISO image. Burn the ISO to CD at the lowest speed available with your favorite Loose program (I’m using Seen imgburn) here:

    how to install bios update from cd

    8. Now make sure you boot and the CD is unplugged, continue. Boot it from CD and when you start flashing just make sure the exact filename matches the filename I told you to take note of earlier and flash.
    Made !

    If you run this app, post it here using the results so we can better understand how successful the fee is. I’ll update the OP’s final with.

    I’ve used it successfully on:
    MSI 925XE Neo Platinum (recording is only possible from a floppy disk on this USB drive)
    Acer Aspire E571 (OEM Mobo is undoubtedly MS-7326, msi is only weakly flashed, does not support booting fromUSB)
    ASUS P5KC (Flash with different approaches, for testing only)

    Thanks, this will help JrRacinFan and Streetfighter 2 support me with this : toast:



    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    In Windows, hold down the Shift key and select the Restart option from the Start menu or from the logon screen. Your computer will restart and the boot options menu will appear. On this screen, select the Use Device option and you can choose a great boot device such as USB stick, DVD, or network boot.

    The easiest way to update your home BIOS is to select it directly. Please check your BIOS version and motherboard brand before starting the process. Another way to update it directly is to create a new DOS USB stick or use a new Windows based program.