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  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    Here are some simple methods that can help you solve the lmms character lookup error.

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    Registration: Saturday 16 June 2012 12:19 pm

    “Options /usr/lib64/lmms/ladspa/ could not be loaded: (/usr/lib64/lmms/ladspa/ undefined character: __log10f_finite)”
    lmms: logo lookup lmms: error: undefined character: _ZN6QMutex12lockInternalEv

    Note. Real-time priority cannot be set.
    “Unable to use root library /usr/lib64/lmms/ladspa/ (/usr/lib64/lmms/ladspa/ undefined symbol: __log10f_finite)”
    lmms: error finding symbol: lmms: undefined symbol: – _zn6qmutex12lockinternev

    Linux Software This web page is for software problems.
    Do you have an illness installing a new program? Do you want to know which application is best for the job? Post your question next to this forum.


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    Get a virtual cloud desktop with your preferred Linux shell distribution in less than five minutes! With over 10 pre-installed distros to help you choose, hassle-free component installation is here! If you are definitely a digital nomad or looking for flexibility, Shells can put this Linux machine on top of the device you want to use.
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    readabilitydatatable = “0”>

    August 19, 2009 5:49 AM A# 1

    QL for beginners

    Registered: March 2008

    lmms symbol lookup error

    Distribution: Slackware 12.1

    Posts: 18

    Representative: Alt = “Reputation:

    Lmms download prowas successful, runtime search failed

    I tried to install lmms on my Slackware 12.1 system.
    I have QT installed, cmake command on return to compile source code.

    It seemed to be installed correctly (after reading a bit about how cmake … works), although on this run it gives me:


    Note: $ 1 cannot easily set real-time priority.
    lmms: Error while searching for label: lmms: Symbol: undefined _ZN8QPainter10drawPixmapERK7QPointFRK7QPixmap
    bash- $ 3.1

    So my new understanding is that there is indeed a missing file command associated with a program because it does not necessarily have to be completely linked or does not exist. Is there a way to figure out where this recommendation file / data should be in order to evaluate the libraries / packages it contains? As far as I know, I have all the dependencies I came across …..


    I planned to install Slackware 12.1 on lmms on my system.
    I have installed QT, cmake to compile the provider…

    It seemed to be deployed correctly (after reading a little about how cmake works …), but it gives me my point of contact:

    As I understand it, there might be a file command associated with the program that is missing because it is not associated or does not exist. Is there a way to determine where this file / data should be located in order to determine which libraries / packages the problem is in? As far as I know, I ran into all the dependencies …..

    Note: $ 1 often cannot set priority in real time.
    lmms: Display error: lmms: Symbol: undefined _ZN8QPainter10drawPixmapERK7QPointFRK7QPixmap
    bash- $ 3.1

    08/22/2009 at 01:17 A# 3

    LQ Rookie March

    registered: 2008

    Distribution: Slackware 12.1

    lmms symbol lookup error

    Posts: 18

    Original poster

    Representative: Reputation: Src =, right? Now it works great !!

    Thank you so much Knudfl.

    This is what I getwhen not visiting most of the other Slack Language sites. Let’s say I … now the situation is in the bookmarks.



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    This is what I can do by looking at other foreign Slack sites, I think … it’s bookmarked now. is looking for people who are considering writingEditorials, articles, reviews and more. If you want to contributeGlad to inform us.

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.