In some cases, your system may display an error code indicating a modprobe ndiswrapper error. There can be many reasons for this problem.


  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    I immediately ran into the same problem a few days ago, and while researching the solution this morning, I found a post on alongside an alternative solution. Since I have not yet mentioned these methods here, I decided to take a chance and publish them in other markets.

    Because I don’t have enough reputation to post a screenshot here, I went ahead and copied the creation instead.

    Just a note for those having problems with ndiswrapper (I haveUbuntu online forum and I couldn’t find it; indeed, as a rule, information was generalizedseveral other pages.)

    If you are using an old version linked to ndiswrapper and have a GUIAnd the program interface (and ndiswrapper finally shows thatconnected hardware), even if you are testing a mod, you become like this:

    FATAL: ndiswrapper module not found

    This means they must be installed

    ndiswrapper wrapper sourcendiswrapper-dkmsndiswrapper-general

    (And, of course, ndiswrapper-utils-1.Buy)

    None of these Ne elements are “dependencies” of ndiswrapper, but none of themthat’s just notworking.

    Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere, but I’ll be back anytime.because it was like that, I asked a few people, but there were no exact answers.

    Well done!

    P.S. My installation was an alternative to Ubuntu Crashbang. Your experience may vary. . changed )

    last of seminotes5; May 26 of the next year at 9:13 am. Minor Reason: Correction

    Because I’m running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS as compared to my OS, I just looked up the name of each install in Ubuntu and installed it in the Software Center at the same time.

    modprobe ndiswrapper error

    After the installation was complete, I opened ndiswrapper again, but uninstalled it and reinstalled the wireless network driver.

    I hope my answer helps simplify this solution, at least a little, for those who have similar problems in the future.

    Hello, ndiswrapper requires modprobe, busybox does not:

    jls@box:~/mrv$ sudo ndiswrapper -l
    lspci: unable to insert memory buffer resources libkmod: error 12
    modprobe: - option not -- valida V1 "c"
    busybox.20.2 UTC) (2014-12-04 11:32:04 multi-call binary .

    Usage : [modprobe -alrqvsDb] [symbol=value] MODULE...

    -a load multiple MODULES
    -l list (MODULE is very model)
    -r delete MODULE (stacks) or perform automatic cleanup
    -q Quiet
    -v Verbose
    -s Log that will show -D syslog
    -b Also blacklist modification companies

    Mrv8335 driver: Device
    installed (11AB:1FAA) present

    after dragging bb modprobe and using the generic from the kmod package I have:

    jls@box:~/mrv$ sudo ndiswrapper Mrv8335 -i.inf
    Install mrv8335 ...sudo
    jls@box :~/ ndiswrapper mrv$ -m
    module config includes pci install directive: v000011ABd00001FAAsv*sd*bc*sc*i* /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper
    ; imo delete sub /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper ray 811, line 117 of .module
    Configuration contains install pci statement: v000011ABd00001FABsv *sd*bc*sc*i* /sbin /modprobe ndiswrapper
    ; You need to remove the duplicate content located in /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper, line 811, line 118.
    The setting contains the mod's current alias - directive

    jls@box:~/mrv$ ndiswrapper
    modpr sudoobe: modprobe ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 kmod_search_moddep() can open non-moddep '/lib/modules/4 initialized.2.9 - tinycore/modules.dep.bin'
    modprobe: FATAL: ndiswrapper module not found in /lib/modules/4 directory.2.9-tinycore
    jls@ box:~/mrv$


    “Edit: 09/08/10:59:27 2016”


    First I tried the generic Modprobe command but it doesn’t work.

    jls@box:~/mrv$ sudo ndiswrapper
    jls@modprobe box Ndiswrapper :~/mrv$ sudo Mrv8335 -i.inf
    mrv8335 driver already installed sudo
    jls@box:~/mrv$ ndiswrapper Opzione -m
    modprobe: not valida -- Br "c"< >BusyBox v1.20.2 (2014-12-04 UTC) Multicall 11:32:04 binary.

    Usage: modprobe [-alrqvsDb] MODULE [symbol]Value=value]...

    -a Load multiple MODULES
    -l List (MODULE is a model)
    -r Delete MODULE (batteries) or perform automatic cleaning
    - q Quiet
    -v -s Write syslog to
    -D Show blacklisted dependencies
    -b Also when applied

    modprobe ndiswrapper error

    Add module names from "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper " in /etc/modprobe.d/ ndiswrapper.conf ...
    jls @ iwconfig
    ip_vti0 box:~/mrv$ no wireless extensions.

    dummy0 no wireless extensions.< /p>

    wlx0026f2b1cf1e IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"WebCubeNew-06AF"
    A Mode: Managed Frequency: 2.412 GHz Access Point: 24:7F:3C:41:06:AF
    = baud rate 54 Mbps Tx Power = dBm
    20 Fast Repeat Limit: 7 RTS thr :off Fragment thr :off
    Power Management :off
    Link Quality=70/70 Signal Strength=-23dBm
    Invalid Rx nwid:0 Invalid Rx crypt:0 Invalid Rx frag :0
    Too many retries: 228 invalid Misc : Skipped 399 Beacon: 0

    lo Wireless storage without extensions.

    tunl0 .No .wireless .extensions ..sudo

    jls@box:~ /mrv$ ifconfig wlan0 up
    ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: Nessun tracker
    jls@box:~/mrv$ matches sudo ndiswrapper -l
    lspci: therefore unable to load error libkmod resources: -12
    modprobe: option neo valida "c"
    BusyBox -- v1.20.(2014-12-04 2 11:32:04 utc) Multi-call binary.


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    Usage: . modprobe .[-alrqvsDb] . [symbol= .value] .module ....

    -a Load multiple MODULES
    -l li ste (MODUL is usually a template)
    Remove -r MODULE (stacks) or try automatic cleanup
    -q Quiet
    -v Verbose
    -s Connection dependencies
    -b Apply syslog
    -D Blacklist also up to modules: show names

    installed mrv8335 driver
    device (11AB:1FAA) available


    dCore Users

    AuthorSubject: Ndiswrapper Error (1382 Sudo Reads)

    jls@box:~/mrv$ ndiswrapper -l
    lspci: unable to report libkmod resource error: -12
    modprobe: invalid check -- "c"
    V1 busybox. 20.2 (2014-12-04 11:32:04 utc) Binary with multiple calls.

    Usage: modprobe [-alrqvsDb] MODULE [symbol=value]...

    -a Load multiple < br> module -l List Is (model specific module)
    -r remove (batteries) module or autoclean anyway
    -q Quiet
    -v Verbose
    -s Log to syslog < br > -D Show dependencies
    -b Also blacklist course names

    mrv8335: Driver installed
    Device (11AB:1FAA) present
    jls@box:~ /mrv$

    After removing bb modprobe and one use from the kmod field, I got:

    jls@box:~/mrv$ sudo ndiswrapper -i mrv8335.inf
    Installing mrv8335 ...
    jls@box:~/mrv$ ndiswrapper sudo -m
    Contains installation options module directive /sbin/modprobe pci:v000011ABd00001FAAsv*sd*bc*sc*i* ndiswrapper

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.