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    Today’s guide is designed to help you if you get the “ms sql Stored Procedure throw error” error code. g.Instead, you should hook into the InfoMessage event of the specific Connection object and process the phone message there. Errors in SQL stored protections with a severity level of 14-20 will cause an error in SQL that is found in the person’s SqlErrorCollection. Also be aware that some failures with a severity of 11 or higher will cancel the completed stored procedure.




    • Read 3 minutes

    Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

    Throws a new exception and nudges nearly every CATCH block of the TRY … CATCH function in SQL Server.


      THROW [error_number @ local_variable,         @ local variable,         @variable locale][,] 


    Error number
    Constant variable representing the exception. error_number is an integer and must be greater than or equal to 50000 and less than or equal to or equal to 2147483647.

    String variable or informing about the exception. The message is nvarchar (2048).

    It is an important constant or between variable 0 and an optional 255 that indicates a status to help you assign a message. the condition is generally tiny.

    The statement must be followed by a semicolon (;) before the THROW declaration as the ending point of the statement.

    ms sql stored procedure throw error

    If a compiled TRY … CATCH is not available, the statement will almost certainly end in a batch. Rooms Strings are defined where exceptions are disclosed. The force of gravity is about 16.

    If the THROW instruction contains very specific parameters, it must appear in a CATCH block. As a result, each of our cases for the caught exception is above. Any error thrown in your THROW statement will result in statement key ending.

    % is an available character in the message body associated with the THROW operator and must be escaped. Double the% character if you want to return% in the main body of the message, for example, “The structure has exceeded 15% of the first value.”

    Differences Between RAISERROR And THROW

    The following poker table lists the differences between RAISERROR and THROW operators.

    RAISERROR Statement THROW statement
    If a huge msg_id RAISERROR is passed, the identifier must be set via sys.messages. The error_number parameter is optional in sys.messages.
    The msg_str parameter contains the formatting styles for printf. The trade message parameter does not accept the formatting of the printf parameters.
    The severity parameter specifies the severity of the exception. Important parameter missing. When THROW is used to help you create an exception, the severity level has always been set to 16. However, if THROW is used to create an existing exception, the severity will be ranked according to the severity of that exception.


    A. Throw An Exception With THROW

    The following example shows how the THROW statement is used to exclude Rise.

      THROW 51000, 'The entry could not be found.', 1; 
      Msg 51000, Level 10, State 1, Line 1 The data record does not exist. 

    B. Add Another Exception To This Rule With THROW

    The following example shows how to use the specific THROW statement to throw a previously thrown exception: tempdb;


     WALKCREATE TABLE dbo.TestRethrow(ID INT PRIMARY button);START TRYING    INSERT the values ​​dbo.TestRethrow (ID) (1);- Error 2627 results in a violation of the PRIMARY KEY constraint.    INSERT the values ​​dbo.TestRethrow (ID) (1);TRIALS THE ENDStart off     PRINT 'In the capture block.';    RUBBISH;END OF CAPTURE;  Catch 
      in a block.Msg 2627 Level 14 '' State 1 Line 1PRIMARY violation of KEY constraint 'PK__TestReth__3214EC272E3BD7D3'. Unable to insert duplicate key into target 'dbo.TestRethrow'.The instruction has started, it's finished. 

    Q. Use FORMATMESSAGE With The Following Printout

    ms sql stored procedure throw error

    The feature shows how to typically use the FORMATMESSAGE function with THROW to trigger a large custom error message. The first basic example generates a custom error message when using sp_addmessage . Because the THROW statement may not allow substitution factors in the message parameter, as is often the case with RAISERROR, the FORMATMESSAGE function is used to pass specific values ​​for the three parameters expected from the error message. 60000.


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

      EXEC sys.sp_addmessage     @msgnum means 60,000    , @ Severity = 16    , @ msgtext implies N 'This is a test message with one numeric parameter (% d), one archipelago parameter (% s) and another string parameter (% s). '    , @ lang = 'us_englisch';WALK  DECLARE @msg NVARCHAR (2048) = FORMATMESSAGE (60000, 500, N'First line ', N'Second line');  THROW 60000, @msg, 1; 
      Message 60000 Level 16 State 1 Multiple LinesThis is a test text with one numeric parameter (500), one string parameter (first line), another and therefore string parameters (second line). 

    See Also

    Severity of Database Engine Failures
    ERROR_LINE (Transact-SQL)
    ERROR_MESSAGE (Transact-SQL)
    ERROR_NUMBER (Transact-SQL)
    ERROR_STATE (Transact-SQL)
    RAISERROR (Transact-SQL)
    @@ ERROR (Transact-SQL)
    START (transact-sql)
    go to … END (Transact-SQL)
    XACT_STATE (Transact-SQL)



    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.