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In some cases, your computer may display an error code indicating that the managedobjectcontext property was not found for an object of type uiviewcontroller. There can be many reasons for this problem.


  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.



    property managedobjectcontext not found on object of type uiviewcontroller

    I am writing this program for my class and I get the error “Property ‘managedObjectContext’ not found in Punch object at ‘id’

      if (! [save context self.detailItem.managedObjectContext: & error]) 


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    I understand that I previously defined newDetailItem in the code to enter the ID? :

    property managedobjectcontext not found on object of type uiviewcontroller

      - (void) setDetailItem: (id) newDetailItem    provided by (_detailItem! = newDetailItem)        _detailItem is the same as newDetailItem;        // Update some views.        [customize youview];        (if.masterPopoverController itself! = zero)       [self.masterPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated: YES];             
      #import "cavDetailViewController.h"@ Interface cavDetailViewController ()    UIAlertView * message;@property (strong, not atomic) UIPopoverController * masterPopoverController;- (empty) configureView;@End@implementation cavDetailViewController#pragma mark - detail element control- (void) setDetailItem: (id) newDetailItem    if (_detailItem! = newDetailItem)        _detailItem = newDetailItem;       // Update the view.        [customize view];        (if.masterPopoverController itself! = zero)       [self.masterPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated: YES];           - (not valid) configureView    // Update the user interface of the part element.    (even if.detailItem)       Self .detailDescriptionLabel.text = [[self.ValueForKey: @ "timeStamp"] describePart element];    - (empty) viewDidLoad    [SuperviewDidLoad];    // After entering the view, we do additional settings, usually from a good tip.    [customize youview];- (incorrect) received a memory warning   [great didReceiveMemoryWarning];    // Remove some recreatable resources. (IBAction) hideKeyboard: (id)- Sender    [self.Width resignFirstResponder];    [self.longitude resignFirstResponder];   [self.description resignFirstResponder];- (void) viewWillDisappear: (BOOL) pAnimated    [Super ViewWillDisappear: pAnimated];    [self.detailItem setValue: self.lattitude.text forKey: @ "Latitude"];   [self.detailItem setValue: self.longitude.text forKey: @ "longitude"];    [self.detailItem setValue: self.description.text forKey: @ "Description"];    NSNumber * v means [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [self.lattitude.text doubleValue]];    NSNumber * v1 [NSNumber = numberWithDouble: [self.longitude.text doubleValue]];    [self.detailItem setValue: v forKey: @ "Latitude"];    [self.detailItem setValue: v1 forKey: @ "Longitude"];    // ND: We offer an update - ala master watch the code    NSError * Nil error; = as if (! [self.detailItem.managedObjectContext save: & error])        // Replace this implementation with code to fix the corresponding error.        // abort () forces the application to create a major crash log and terminate it.        // You shouldn't use this overload in your shipping application, butit can be useful during development.        NSLog (@ "Unresolved error% @,% @", Error, [Error UserInfo]);        abort ();     // End of the veiwWillDisappear method#pragma impression - split view- (void) splitViewController: (UISplitViewController *) splitController will beHideViewController: (UIViewController *) viewController withBarButtonItem: (UIBarButtonItem ForPopoverController: (UIPopoverController *) barovertonControllerControllerController *) barovertonControllerControllerController *)    barButtonItem.title = @ "Master"); nslocalizedstring (@ "master", [self.navigationItem setLeftBarButtonItem: animated barButtonItem: YES];   A native .masterPopoverController implies a popoverController;- (void) splitViewController: (UISplitViewController *) splitController willShowViewController: (UIViewController *) viewController invalidatingBarButtonItem: (UIBarButtonItem *) barButtonItem    // Called even if the view is displayed in most of the split view, invalidating the mouse and popup controller.    [self.navigationItem setLeftBarButtonItem: animated zero: YES];    self.masterPopoverController = zero;- (IBAction) bgroundColor: (id) sender    [[Own image] setBackgroundColor: [UIColor blueColor]];    [[Own image] setBackgroundColor: [UIColor redColor]];- (IBAction) dispMessage: (id) sender    UIAlertView * message = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Have a nice day"                                                      Messageshenie: @ "Have a nice day"                                                     delegate: null                                            CancelButtonTitle: @ "OK"                                            otherButtonTitles: zero];@End 



    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.