Table of Contents


  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    Sometimes your system may display an error message that says the security permission for this page is not valid. There can be several reasons for this problem.

    I usually try to upload a file to an integrated SharePoint server. I have rtFa and FedAuth & requestDigest cookies and can authenticate successfully. However, when importing a file to SharePoint, I get an error

    security validation for this page is invalid

    -2130575251, System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException The security clearance for this page may not be valid, click Back in web browser, refresh the page and try again.

    * int main ()

    CURL * c = curl_easy_init ();
    struct curl_slist shopping list = NULL;
    struct response res;
    init_response (& res);
    multitude = curl_slist_append (list, “Content type: text / plain”);
    list implies “X-RequestDigest: value”);
    curl_slist_append (list, list = curl_slist_append (list, “Cookie: rtFa = value; FedAuth = value”);
    curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, list);
    curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_URL, https . (‘/Shared%20Documents’)/Files/Add(url=’DSsanjay.txt’,%20overwrite=true )”); < br> curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, “This file contains details .. Recording …”);
    curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writefunc);
    curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, & res); br> curl_easy_setopt (c, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
    curl_easy_perform (c);

    security validation for this page is invalid

    > POST /teams/SharePointTest2/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(‘/Shared%20Documents’)/Files/Add(url=’DSsanjay.txt’,%20overwrite=true) HTTP / 2
    Host: < name>
    accept: /
    content-type: text / regular
    x-requestdigest: value
    cookie: rtFa = value; FedAuth = value
    content length: 30
    Connection status changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 100)!
    We have fully loaded and everything is fine
    connection # 0 to host .sharepoint.Left com intact
    exit means -2130575251, System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException The prevention check for this page is invalid. Click “Back” for the visitor, refresh the page and try again. *

    I am trying to create a web trap where you just use a hotspot list. Unfortunately, the only way to do this is by accessing the API. So I called this API to create my own custom list web hook from my sharepoint site.

    I opened Dev Approaches in Chrome on one Sharepoint site and used each code:

      get ("'list-id')/subscriptions",  "Headings":"Accept": "app / json",    "content type": "app / json",  ,  "body": "" resource  ": " ('list-id')  ", " notificationUrl  ": " http: //  ", " expirationDateTime  ": " 2021-11-03T21: 54: 41.000  "",  "PUBLISH",); 


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

      "method": "odata.error":        "Code": "-2130575251, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException",        "Message":            "lang": "fr-FR",            "value": "The Home Protection check for this page is seriously invalid and could be damaged. Please use the back tab of your web browser to try again."             

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.