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    If you receive sql error code 171, today’s tutorial is meant to help. -171 DATA TYPE, LENGTH OR ARGUMENT VALUE The argument position of the function domain-name is NOT VALID.

    -171 DATA TYPE, LENGTH OR VALUE OF ARGUMENT, the position of the argument OF function-name is NOT VALID.

    SQL State: 42815


    Invalid data type or value length relative to nn argument in scalar characteristic function name. If you are using the EBCDIC or ASCII encoding scheme, a possible cause of this error is that a character argument was specified for a built-in function that expects a specific graphic argument, or that a graphic selection was specified for an element. expects a character argument. The UNICODE encoding scheme supports specific mixed characters and aesthetic arguments. System Action: The statement could not be executed. Programmer’s answer: The most correct instruction. See Chapter 3 of the DB2 SQL Reference Rules for information on any scalar function name argument.

      SELECT REPLACE (REPLACE (EMAIL, x'00 ',' '),'  n ',' ') AS E-MAIL FROM Tabname 

    An error occurred with SQLCODE = -171 becauseEMAIL is empty.What is the most effective way to replace EMAIL users if the EMAIL contains content?EMAIL is listed as varchar. The chosen Natural displays multiple columns and practices substitution in most of them.

    sql 171 error

    I noticed that if you change the NULL value to
    , you might get in trouble. put backYou. Try to pass these people IFNULL (PLDESCB, ”) ahead of time, not just PLDESCB.

    They also tend to be called even when my husband and my code give SQL statements
    The engine does not call them for a given newline. Of course in your case
    The values ​​returned by the REGEXP call are being ignored because my marketers have
    structured so as not to use the return value, but had to change the code
    to prevent passing NULL values ​​even after the SQL handler has disallowed
    Call the REGEXP at all function for the supplied line.

    I don’t know, this is almost certainly your problem, but what would I do first

    from: “Hebert, Chris”
    Subject: RE: Regular use of appearance in SQL gives error SQLCODE = 171
    in addition to SQLSTATE = 42815

    I found no problem with the word you typed.

    Where do you find you change this slider?

    Generally, if you are executing a statement in a SQLRPGLE program, go to
    the appearance of the SQLERRD array.

    SQLERRD (5) Contains, otherwise the column position has a syntax error.

    Chris Hebert
    Senior Programmer / Analyst
    Disclaimer: All views and opinions are solely those of the respective author
    and do not necessarily represent those created by the company. Message —–

    —– original MIDRANGE-L [mailto: midrange-l-bounces @ xxxxxxxxxxxx] On behalf of
    Jose Perez
    Sent on: Tuesday February 6, 2017 11:53 AM
    To: midrange-l @ xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Using traditional SQL expression gives error SQLCODE = 171 and
    STATUS SQL = 42815

    Has anyone using regular expressions with SQL faced this problem? I’m trying
    To catch the chain pattern in a good solid chain, the chain pattern is likely to be
    so (it contains several dashes and the pattern ### – ###### – #) with it
    contain pattern I #### or IMP ##### with the following SQL

    Cursor C0 for

    . to announce Select

    IFNULL (REGEXP_SUBSTR (PLDESCB, ‘I [0-9] 5’), ‘N’),


    IFNULL (REGEXP_SUBSTR (PLDESCB; ‘[0-9] 3- [0-9] 7- [0-9] 1;’), ‘N’)





    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    REGEXP_like (PLDESCB, ‘[0-9] 3- [0-9] 7- [0-9] 1 [^ 0-9]’)) or

    REGEXP_LIKE (PLDESCB, ‘I [0-9] 5’) OR

    REGEXP_LIKE (PLDESCB, ‘IMP [0-9] 5’)

    sql 171 error

    but when i enter cursor i get error SQLCODE = 171 and
    SQLSTATE = 42815 What am I doing wrong? if someone could show me how I can help you
    Direction I blame him.

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.