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If you have Wine debug flags on your system, this user guide should help you fix them.
Translation of this page: port not running. Translator, see Discussion document.
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WINEDEBUG is an environment variable that experts say also enables and disables debug messages.
WINEDEBUG = [class] [+/-] channel [, [class2] [+/-] channel2]
class is optional and can be one of the following options: trace, warn, make a mistake, or fix. They are the least graded from the most stringent to the most stringent. follow is used for code paths that carry it as part of a normal program. warn is usually used for paths that can cause errors but are likely to be handled well by a higher-level component. err is that it uses code paths that will surely lead to errors. Fixme is used for code paths that are not implemented in Wine. Just make a mistake by default and fixme is on. If a channel is specified without a class, all your own classes are included.
Each channel is used to print information about a specific wine product. The following items can be customizedno + or – to actually turn the specified channel on or off. If there is little or no part of the class ahead, the heading + can be omitted. Space notes are not allowed if the extension is.
A channel that identifies the debug channel to enable or disable. To see a complete list of channels, view it using the locate directory command:
grep -r --include = '*. c '--include =' *. h '' WINE _ (DEFAULT | DECLARE ) _ DEBUG_CHANNEL 'dll / programs /
And to add even more work, we have a sorted and formatted list in BASH (you can change the number 26 at the end of this important composition to suit your cheek dimple tastes):
for mod names in $ (find dll / programs / -mindepth some person -type d sort); | make echo $ (grep -rE --include = '*. [ch]' '^ WINE_ (DEFAULT | DECLARE) _DEBUG_CHANNEL' $ mod_name n | awk -F "[()]" 'print $ 2' | sort | alone) n | awk -v mod_name = $ mod_name 'if (NF> 0) printf ("% - * s% s n", 26, mod_name ":", $ 0)';did
- WINEDEBUG = warn + all
- refers to WARN messages for all channels other than ERR messages already enabled, as well as FIXME messages.
- WINEDEBUG = fixme-all, warn + cursor, + relay
- disables everything fromFIXME communication, includes Cursor WARN statements (in addition to FIXME ERR with messages) and includes all exchange messages (API calls).
- WINEDEBUG = + relay
- includes all message transfers. For more control over enabling or excluding functions and DLLs, check the relay trace under the [HKCU Software Wine Debug] registry key (see Useful Registry Keys and an example below).
- WINEDEBUG = -d3d
- d3d disables all messages and also disables GL skip checking after operations. This can improve performance.
Useful Channels
- + all : records everything, in most cases probably gives so much information, can be useful for solving subtle problems.
- + heap: Track all heaps of activity in the program and enable absolutely consistent consistency checks. If your application usually cleans up the heap, you can use + relay, + heap tracing to narrow down where this happens. If a large inconsistency is found, Wine flushes the contents of the heap to terminate the program. While many aspects can lead to losses, the most commonAn internal buffer overflow occurs due to Wine. Remember to remember this channel; All Wine mode uses the HeapAlloc / HeapFree APIs, so one of the main reasons is that Wine’s built-in heap is really useful for debugging. Be aware that Can + heap can slow the program down a lot or create very large log files. If you’re worried that Wine could potentially corrupt the heap, but you’re not sure, the + heap warning will activate heap protection, but it doesn’t track every chunk and is free.
- + loaddll : Reports each Ace loaded as a DLL.
- + message : Logs all messages sent through the eye port to the window route, similar to + relay. Use msg to track all messaging APIs.
- + msgbox : topic of the logs of all calls to MessageBox (). Many programs display information about crashes using MessageBox (), which can be a quick way to collect this information in a usable form.
- + pid: prefix each line of debug output with an identifier associated with the process that it isgenerated. This can be useful when debugging multiprocessor applications.
- + relay : logs every call that takes longer than the Web Wine templating module DLL limit, including calls between DLLs (non-native). Channel This is often the first stop when you don’t understand what is wrong. It shows you every call and output of Wine modules within a DLL. If you are overloaded with certain functions, check the creation of the RelayInclude and RelayExclude lines that are available in the Wine Registry (under [HKCU Software Wine Debug]). Note that this chain is pretty much already filled with functions that are regularly called, but usually don’t provide any clue as to why the school is failing. Never need + Relay or + Snoop with native DLLs! This will show you the implementation with these DLLs, which means that any code you write to implement consumers will violate our cleanroom reverse engineering guidelines. Protocols
- + seh : Windows exceptions (structured exception handling). They are invoked either when it is very good.Its application is performing an illegal operation (that is, the operation fails), or when the if program covers its own exceptions. Converts Wine UNIX signals to SEH exceptions and outputs them through this pipe. This will undoubtedly be useful as applications often force their own crash dumps one after the other to get to the instance. The most common exceptions to watch out for are STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION and 0xC0000005, which is the closest thing to a segmentation fault in Win32. You can also see codes that are not in the headers; These are usually language-specific exceptions that are not used by any compiler used for EXE. For example, 0xEEDFADE is the code to create an internal Delphi exception, or 0xE06D7363 is the Microsoft Visual C ++ exception to this rule, which has a magical value for money (info [0]) 0x19930520, which is easy to consider because it looks like a date (and, probably, too). If users see any of these exceptions, this method could mean that the term Win32 API returned a non-zero code somewhere with terminations.
- + server : Displays all RPC Wineserver. Usually you will never need it, but it can be useful when troubleshooting Wineserver problems.
- + snoop : only registers function calls between native DLLs. This is similar to how Aber + Relay works between two native DLLs, although this pipe provides less information because the parameters are not communicated. + snoop can also damage or destabilize the device as it checks the battery and also parses the Prolog function to guess additional parameters. Never use + Relay and + Snoop with your own DLLs! It also shows you the implementation of all DLLs, which means that any code you write to implement them violates our cleanroom reverse engineering guidelines.
- + synchronous: activate X11 synchronously
- + timestamp: Prefix almost every debug output with a line with any timestamp if that line was executed. This should be an invaluable debug performance problem.
- + fps: Enter the number of frames per secondundu in terminal for OpenGL or d3d applications, Vulkan.
More Debugging Tips
- If the cool program displays the post form and doesn’t work, you don’t know what caused the error, try relay, msgbox trace. Then open the debug log in your favorite (less good) editor or text viewer and search for trace: msgbox. Review the relay information and facts before calling the MessageBox API, although the problem may not be due to the call that occurred before the failure. Be aware of the detailed understanding of failed API calls, and remember that Windows APIs are minimally consistent to return the exact value of your code. You just need to use to find out what each API actually uses. While many others return a penalty and zero on failure, some use the opposite convention; A
- If the program cannot start without giving a reason, you can use large trace + everything. Also, if your program seems to want to crash outside of an API call, you can try [Disassembly Disassembly] to visit it when it accesses someSome parameters passed to its mount point (for example, Keeper’s Dungeon will crash if you run it without the absolutely correct path for argv [0]).
+ Make Relay Less Verbose
If you are looking for an issue that appears after a few minutes of Tracphone while the software is running, + relay may be overly verbose. In this case, run it once and then send the log through a program like
# Quickly release grepLANGUAGE = C# Find the best callsfreq = `grep ten ': Ret haya | sed 's /(.*//; s /.* //' | style | uniq -c | sort -n | stop | awk 'print $ 2' | tr ';' 'Chat ' 012'> quiet.reg << _EOFREGEDIT4[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Wine Debug]"RelayExclude" = "ntdll.RtlEnterCriticalSection; ntdll.RtlTryEnterCriticalSection; ntdll.RtlLeaveCriticalSection; kernel32.48; kernel32.49; kernel32.94; kernel32.95; kernel32.96Tls32.96el32.973297. SetLastError; $ freq "_EOFRegedit quiet.reg wine
This tells Wine not to log the ten frequent calls to your application, which should make your relay log more manageable.
See Also
- Environment Variables: WINEDEBUG - Wine User Manual Chapter
- WineAPI documentation - used debug channels,are probably listed for each individual feature.
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