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    Sometimes your system will generate an error that says yaf will shutdown if it crashes. This error can be caused by a variety of reasons.


    I have configured YAF (v. 2.8.4) + SiLK (v. 3.12.1) on Debian 8 and 2 and I am having a couple of problems:
    1. Every time I run yaf , the yaf process as long as there is a TCP connection fails:

      [2016-05-25 08:13:36] yaf exits on error: unable to create connected TCP socket, connection refused 

    2. Direct yaf also works (no TCP for eth0 connection), loads rwfilter --proto = 0- --type = all --pass = stdout | rwcut | The head command is empty.

    I have feed documents from two days ago linked to the / data / directory and can view them

      rwfilter --start-date = 2016/05/22 --end-date = 2017/05/23 --proto = 0- --type = all --pass = stdout | rwstats --fields = protocol --bottom --count = 10 

    This means that on May 23, yaf and SiLK were working correctly. (BUT compared to some minuets !!!). Unfortunately, I keep today’s protocols and supporting protocols for only 23 abstracts.

    Configs And Protocols:

    yaf terminating on error

      58984? ? ? ? Ssl 0:00 / usr / local / sbin / rwflowpack --sensor-configuration = / data / sensor.conf --site-config-file = / ata / silk.conf --archive-directory = / var / lib / rwflowpack / archive --output-mode = locale My storage --root-directory = / data --pidfile = / var / lib / rwflowpack / log / --log-level = info --log-destination = syslog 84140? lasts 0:00 / usr / local / bin / yaf -d --live pcap --in eth0 --ipfix tcp --out localhost --ipfix-port 18000 --journal / var / log / yaf / log / yaf. log --silk --verbose --applabel --max-payload = 2048 --plugin-name = /usr/local/lib/yaf/ --pidfile /var/log/yaf/run/ 
      ACCEPT udp - late everywhere everywhere udp: 18000ACCEPT UDP - elsewhere udp dpt: 18000ACCEPT tcp - everywhere tcp spt: 18000ACCEPT tcp - everywhere and everywhere tcp dpt: 18000 


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

      [2016-05-25 08:48:02] yaf starts[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Initialize rules from file: /usr/local/etc/yafApplabelRules.conf[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Application Labeler accepts rule 44.[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Application Labeler accepted 0 signatures.[2016-05-25 08:48:02] DPI works for ALL protocols[2016-05-25 08:48:02] Initialize rules from dpi file /usr/local/etc/yafDPIRules.conf[2016-05-25 08:48:02] The DPI Rule Scanner has accepted sixty-three rules from the DPI Rule file.[2016-05-25 08:48:02] DPI Regular Expressions cover powerful protocols 08:48:02[2016-05-25 split child 82020. Outgoing parent[2016-05-25 08:48:02] run as reason in --live mode, but not necessarily as privilege[2016-05-25 drop 08:50:48] Processed 814 packets in 0 streams:[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Average baud rate yes   0.00 / s.[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Average packet rate 4.90 / s.[2016-05-25 08:50:48] The virtual bandwidth is 0.0032 Mbps.[2016-05-25 08:50:48] The maximum backflow size is 36.[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Clear 29 states.[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 9 asymmetric / unidirectional flows detected (-nan%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Total YAF examined 1643 packages[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 1 fragment 0 is collected in packets:[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 0 incomplete fragmented packets have expired. (0.00%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] The maximum size of the chunk table is 0.[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Dropped 829 packets during (33 decode: 0.54%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 829 due to unsupported / rejected delivery type: (33.54%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 829 unsupported / rejected layer with many headers. (33.54%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 729 arp packages. (29.49%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] 802 83.3 packets. (3.36%)[2016-05-25 08:50:48] Logging out of yaf am will not fail: Create a connected TCP socket to localhost: 18000 Connection refused 
      25. 13:17:54 XXX rwflowpack [58984]: 'S0': forward 0, back 5, skipped 0May 25 13:19:54 XXX rwflowpack [58984]: Files will be deleted after 120 seconds.May 30 13:19:54 XXX rwflowpack [58984]: 'S0': forward 1, back 0, skipped 0May 26 13:21:54 XXX rwflowpack [58984]: files will be  removed after 120 seconds.May 25 13:21:54 Rwflowpack [58984]: Porno 'S0': Forward 0, Backward 0, Skipped 0 
      ENABLED = 1YAF_CAP_TYPE = pcapYAF_CAP_IF = eth0YAF_IPFIX_PROTO = TCPYAF_IPFIX_HOST = localhostYAF_IPFIX_PORT = 18000YAF_STATEDIR = / var / log / yafYAF_EXTRAFLAGS = "- silk --applabel --max-payload = 2048 --plugin-name = / usr / local / lib / yaf /" 
      Version 2Sensor 0 S0 "Description of sensor / sensor S0"Sensor 1 S1Sensor 2 S2 "Supplementary description of indicator S2"Sensor 3 S3Sensor 4 S4Three S5 sensorsSensor 6 S6Sensor 7 8 S7S8 sensorSensor 9 S9Sensor 10 S10Thirteen S11 sensorsSensor 12 S12Sensor 13 S13Sensor only fourteenth S14Class each    Devices S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14End of courseClass each    Type 0 in    Type 1    Type 1 on the iw network    Type 3 Outweb ow    4 innull innull types    Type 5 null null null    enter half int2int int2int    Option 7 ext2ext ext2ext    Type 8 inicmp inicmp    Enter 9 outicmp outicmp    Reach 10 more    default types for inweb inicmpEnd of coursedefault class allPacking logic "" 
      probe S0 ipfix   Listening port 18001  TCP protocolEnd probeS0 sensor   ipfix S0 probes   internal ip-blocks   external sensor ipblocks 
      ENABLED = 1indicatedth directory = / var / lib / rwflowpackCREATE_DIRECTORIES = yesBIN_DIR = / usr / local / sbinSENSOR_CONFIG = / data / rest of the sensorfin.confDATA_ROOTDIR = / dataSITE_CONFIG = / data / silk.confLOGICAL_PACKING =INPUT_MODE = streamINCOMING_DIR = $ specified directory / incomingARCHIVE_DIR = $ specified directory / archiveFLAT_ARCHIVE = 0ERROR_DIR =OUTPUT_MODE = localSENDER_DIR = $ specified directory / incoming senderINCREMENTAL_DIR = $ specified directory / incoming senderTYPE_COMPRESSION =INTERVALLE_POLLING =FLUSH_TIMEOUT =FILE_CACHE_SIZE =FILE_LOCKING = 1PACK_INTERFACES = 0SILK_IPFIX_PRINT_TEMPLATES =LOG_TYPE = syslogLOG_LEVEL = informationLOG_DIR = $ specified directory / logPID_DIR = $ LOG_DIRUSER = rootEXTRA_OPTIONS =EXTRA_ENVVAR = 

    Assembly configuration
    yaf terminating on error

      yaf version 2.8.4:    * Time zone support: UTC    * Fixbuf Package: 1.7.1    * DAG support: NO    * Napatech support: NO    * Netronome Support: NO    (empty) Bivio Support: NO    * PFRING support: NO    * Compact IPv4 Backup: NO    * Plugin support: YES    4. Application identification: YES    - Payload processing support: YES    * Entropy support: NO    * Fingerprint export support: NO    * P0F support: NO    * Distribution support: NO    * MPLS support: NO    6. Supportka without IP: NO    * Support for separate interface: NO 
      SiLK 3.12.1; Configuration options:     The root of the packed data tree is / data    3. Packaging logic: runtime plugin    * Time zone support: UTC    * Available compression methods: none [standard], zlib    * Circular IPv6 connections: yes    * Return record of IPv6 stream: yes    5. Collection IPFIX / NetFlow9 / sFlow: ipfix, netflow9, sflow    * Transport encryption: no    * PySiLK Service: No    * Activate Assert (): no 

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.