This “how to” was written to help you when you get the “Centosplus kernel differences” error message.


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    The CentOSPlus repository contains packages that are usually updated with packages from your current CentOS database + CentOS updates. You can browse the CentOSPlus catalog for CentOS 6, CentOS 3, or CentOS 8 on our showcases for the architecture you ultimately want to use.

    1. What is the CentOSPlus repository?

    centosplus kernel differences

    The CentOSPlus repository contains packages that are updates to packages in the base CentOS + CentOS update repositories. These packages are not part of the original distribution and extend the functionality of CentOS through backlink compatibility. By enabling this repository, CentOS enters differently than the upstream one. You must understand the implications of this type before activating CentOSPlus. You can search for CentOS 6, Centos 6, or CentOS 8 in the CentOSPlus directory to see which architecture you want to use.

    Before enabling the CentOSPlus repository, you should learn about the actual includepkgs= and/or exclude=, yum when options. To learn more about options, use this command on the tell it to line:


    2. Enable CentOSPlus Ones Repository

    Note. Other CentOS repositories that might be useful can be found in /etc/yum. relaxation. d site directory. When manually activating the repository next to edit File name .

    To enable the CentOSPlus repository, rebuild /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and locate the [centosplus] section. Here you are wondering what it looks like by default:

    #additional mailings expanding the functionality of existing functions[centosplus]name=centos-$releaser-plusmirror list=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=centosplus#baseurl=$releasever/centosplus/$basearch/gpgcheck=1enabled=0gpgkey= <== -CentOS-6 on CentOS-6 

    • Example 1: We need a new CentOSPlus suffix to support mysql_pgsql. /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo should definitely be configured here:

    Step 1: Set up network access.Step 2: Create a local yum repository.Step 2: Create a directory to hold all repositories.Step 4: Synchronize the HTTP repositories.Step 20: Create a new repository.Step 6: Set up a local Yum repository on the client system.Step 7: Check the configuration.

    #additional packages that maximize the functionality of existing offers[centosplus]name=CentOS-$Releasever Plus-mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=centosplus#baseurl=$releasever/centosplus/$basearch/gpgcheck=1enabled=1gpgkey=*exclude=postfix-*more* 

    You can also add this to get the [base] and [update] sections of /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo so you can no longer access it in Postfix-Packages from this moment. here:


    • Example 2: To use the CentOSPlus kernel, we want to be able to use jfs, and that could be the filesystem and reiserfs constructors. We would modify /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo by changing the following to [centosplus]


    enabled=1:includepkgs=kernel* jfsutils reiserfs-utils 

    In all sections [base] and [update], a person has madeal would:

    exclude=Kernel Kernel developer kernel-PAE-* 

    3. Yum Plugin Priorities

    Another way to check your system for updates from all the CentOSPlus repositories is to use this yum-plugin-priorities plugin. This is the often recommended method. Follow the link to learn about Yum plugin prioritization. Edit /etc/yum.conf and add the following line:


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    [base]exclude = foo characterPriority = 1[Update]Exclude=foo Local bar scenePriority = 1[centosplus]enable=1Priority=2 

    This is intended to make the [base] repositories plus the [update] repositories take precedence over all the [centosplus] repositories, so the only commits in Dass Centosplus are basically the [base] or [update] update items, which are excluded from these repositories. using the Exclude= parameter.

    The yum-plugin-priorities implementation therefore allows you to ignore the includepkgs= situation for the [centosplus] element in the CentOS-Base.repo, but still only allows updates from those package families Exclude= from [base ] as well as [update] repositories.

    4. CentOSPlus Kernel Differences

    A common question is, which flavors of the CentOSPlus kernel are there among all the standard (base) kernels? This will likely change a lot as new kernels come out, but (below) is a method for getting a detailed list of configuration differences. You must install the kernel sources for each of the Standard and Version Plus versions. Then through the shell prompt

     execute: diff -y --width=80 --suppress-common-lines -b -B -d n    //.confign   //.config

    The output of the previous command for the version taken from all of these articles (August 2015), some of which are shown here, should give you a good idea of ​​the changes included in the CentOSPlus kernels (mostly additional drivers and configuration options) . ). additional advanced driver), but you must follow the above order to see the up-to-date list. (Key: >=insert, <=delete, |=modify) In this top directory of the main bonsai tree, the make menuconfig source explains the meaning of each option.

    YUM repositories are Linux software repositories (RPM box files). The RPM package file is a robust Red Hat package manager file that provides quick and easy software setup on Red Hat/CentOS Linux. YUM repositories can store documents written with an RPM package locally (local disk) or partially (FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS).

    #diff -y --suppress-common-lines -b -B -d 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64/.config 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6-centos-plus/.config# '>]/);    match($0,/([>' config-diff.txt > config-diff.txt.edit    #    # Linux version: kernel 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64 # | Linux kernel version:    Issue Thu Aug 13 22:49:26 2015 | # Friday, August 14, 00:54:22 2015    CONFIG_ARPD number not defined | CONFIG_ARPD=y    # CONFIG_IPX not defined | CONFIG_IPX=m    # CONFIG_ATALK not defined | CONFIG_IPX_INTERNAL=y                                             > CONFIG_ATALK=m                                             > CONFIG_DEV_APPLETALK=m                                             > CONFIG_IPDDP=m
    centosplus kernel differences

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.