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    In some cases, you may see a 1722 dcdiag error message on your computer. There can be many reasons for this problem.

    How Do I Resolve Issue 1722 When The RPC Server Is Unavailable?

    Open the services management console (services.msc), see if the listed products are in a running state. Otherwise, start them manually. Also, various network applications may return errors. 1722 The RPC server is not available, so if TCP/IPv6 is disabled on this machine.

    Why Am I Getting 1722 RPC Errors On My Server?

    This is the cause of many 1722-RPC replication errors. Some tools can be useful for identifying DNS errors: The DCDIAG /TEST:DNS command can effectively check the DNS of Windows 2000 Server (SP3 or later), Windows Server 2003, and a Windows Server 2008 family domain controller.

    How To Start 1722, The RPC Server Is Not Available?

    Open the Services Manager console (services.msc), check if the specified services can be in your running state. Otherwise, start the group manually. Also, some network applications return error 1722. The RPC host is unavailable when the TCP/IPv6 protocol is disabled on the computer.

    How To Fix Error 1722, The RPC Server Is Usually Unavailable?

    Open the network adapter configuration with helpGo to Control (Win+R Panel > ncpa.cpl) and just check if Internet Protocol Option 6 (TCP/IPv6), File Sharing and Printers for Microsoft Networks are enabled. Also, RPC error 1722 may occur when trying to print a document on a virtual device using a generated device on a shared network.

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.