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  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Open the program and select "Scan your computer"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
  • The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    You should check out these fix ideas if you run into an error when running the error code from the plugin-ivy-2.0.0-rc1 script on your machine.



    I try this tool after a while and find that some old examples do not work terribly with the latest version or higher, I am missing something, it could be.

    I downloaded version 1.3.0 from and am trying the script demo from ( html # script) but I understand the error far away:

    error executing plugin ivy-2.0.0-rc1 script

    I tried the cleanup plugin several times and generated scripts, but the error is still the same. An empty created database is in the output file, but nothing is written to it.

    error executing plugin ivy-2.0.0-rc1 script

      INFO [main] Java version: 1.7.0 INFO [main] - Java C:  home  bin  jdk1 home: .7.0_x64  jre [Main] Hardware - Operating system: Windows 7, version: 6.1-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------                     _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _                    | | | | | | | |  / | | |                    | | | | __ _ | | | _ | ... ... | ___ __ | |                    | | /  | | / _` | | | / and |  / | | / _  / _` |                     /  versus (_ | | | <| | | | (_) | (_ | |                      /  /  __, _ | _ | _ |  _  _ | | _ /  ___ /  __, _ |-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------Source Code Extension Tool for Enforcing Discount Code AgreementsVersion 1.2 - July --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------2015 INFO [main] - c:  home  data  github  gradle-walkmod-plugin  src  test  resources  walkmod.xml [ok]:: Recovery options :: url = file: / C: /home/bin/walkmod-1.3.0/config/ivysettings.xml:: Download patches :: url = jar: file: / C: /home/bin/walkmod-1.3.0/lib/ivy-2.4.0-rc1.jar! / Org / apache / ivy / core / settings / ivysettings .xml:: Working with dependencies :: org.walkmod # walkmod-imports-cleaner-plugin-caller; working        confs: [default]        recognized plugin org.walkmod # walkmod-import-cleaner-plugin; 2.0 in maven2       Found org.walkmod # javalang; 3.2.0 maven2 in [3.2.0] org.walkmod # javalang; [3.0.0, 4.0. 0)       found org.walkmod # fusion; 1.0 in Maven2        [1.0.1] org.walkmod # fusion; [1.0.1, 2.0)       made org.walkmod # walkmod-javalang-plugin; 2.3.2 in maven2       [2.3.2] org.walkmod # walkmod-javalang-plugin; [2.0, 3. 0)       found org.walkmod # javalang; 4.2.2 latest maven2        [4.2.2] org.walkmod # javalang; [3.1.0, 5.0. 0)       picked up org.walkmod # javalang-compile; 2.1.0 in maven2        [2.1.0] org.walkmod # javalang compiler; [2.0.0, 3.0.0)        log4j # log4j; 1 found 02.16 in Maven2        found org.walkmod # walkmod-java-formatter-plugin; 2.2.0 in maven2        [2.2.0] org.walkmod # walkmod-java-formatter-plugin; [2.0, 3. 0)       org.walkmod # javalang selected; 4.2.2 in maven2        [4.2.2] org.walkmod # javalang; [4.1.0, 5.0. 0)       found org.eclipse.core # org.eclipse.core.contenttype; 3.4.100 in maven2       Found org.eclipse.equinox # org.eclipse.equinox.preferences; 3.4.1 in maven2        net found.eclipse.equinox # org.eclipse.equinox.common; 3.6.0 in maven2       Found org.eclipse.equinox # org.eclipse.equinox.registry; 3.5.101 inmaven2        org found.eclipse.core # org.eclipse.core.expressions; 3.4.300 while maven2       Found org.eclipse.core # org.eclipse.core.runtime; 3.7.0 here in maven2       Found org.eclipse.osgi # org.eclipse.osgi; 3.7.1 in maven2        net found.eclipse.core #; 3.5.100 in maven2       Found org.eclipse.equinox #; 1.3.100 in maven2       Found org.eclipse.core # org.eclipse.core.filesystem; 1.3.100 only in maven2       Found org.eclipse.core # org.eclipse.core.resources; 3.7.100 only in maven2       Found org.eclipse.jdt # org.eclipse.jdt.core; 3.10.0 for maven2       Found org.eclipse.text # org.eclipse.text; 3.5.101 in maven2:: high quality report :: 14353 ms resolution :: 56 ms dl element        :: excluded modules:        org.walkmod # javalang; 0 from [org.walkmod # javalang; 4.2.2] in [Standard]        -------------------------------------------------- -------------------       | | Modules | | Article |       | conf | Room | research | extinct | moved || Room | extinct |        -------------------------------------------------- -------------------       | Standard | 21 years old | 6 | 0 | 1 | | 26 | 0 |        -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- INFO [[main] room) ** CONVERSION CIRCUIT BEGINS clean **-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- INFO [home] - >> cosa.Person INFO [home] - TRANSFORMATION FAILURE CIRCUIT-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------INFO [main] - total time: 0.058 seconds INFO [home] - Completed: Tue, 08.25.2015 11:07:12 INFO [main] - last memory: 207 MB / 244 MB-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- INFO [main] - Please see the Walkmod log file for [main] details.ERROR - TRANSFORMATION CHAIN ​​ERROR (clean)During some transformations walkmods: commons: import-cleaner threw an exception - org.walkmod.util.location.LocationImpl@48ab464e        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (native method)        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (        au soleil.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (        found at org.walkmod.walkers.AbstractWalker.walk ( 260)       at org.walkmod.walkers.AbstractWalker.execute (        can be found at org.walkmod.impl.DefaultChainWalkerInvocation.invoke (        org at.walkmod.impl.DefaultChainInvocation.invoke (        Worried about org.walkmod.impl.DefaultChainAdapter.execute (        at org.walkmod.WalkModFacade.executeChainAdapter (        all org.walkmod.WalkModFacade.apply (        at org.walkmod.WalkModDispatcher.main ( as well: java.lang.reflect. Throwing a Target Exception       ... more 12Called by: java.lang.reflect.Throwing a Target Exception       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (native method)        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (        from java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (        at org.walkmod.walkers.AbstractWalker.write (        available at org.walkmod.javalang.walkers.DefaultJavaWalker.write (        at org.walkmod.walkers.AbstractWalker.writeAll (        all org.walkmod.walkers.AbstractWalker.visit (        at org.walkmod.javalang.walkers.DefaultJavaWalker.visit (        via org.walkmod.javalang.walkers.DefaultJavaWalker.visit (        at org.walkmod.javalang.walkers.DefaultJavaWalker.accept (        ... more 12Called by: java.lang. Null Pointer Exception       at org.walkmod.javalang.actions.ActionsApplier.setText (        org at.walkmod.javaformatter.writers.EclipseWriter.getContent (        at org.walkmod.writers.AbstractFileWriter.write (        ... 13 more 


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!



    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.