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    If you are unable to load the Nvidia Gentoo kernel module on your PC, this article should help.

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    Signed: March 05, 2006
    Posts: 363
    Location: Netherlands

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    posted: 11 Sunday,. May 2008 20:00 Post subject: nvidia: Failed to positively load nvidia kernel module Colspan=”2″>

    Hi, I need help and I’m wondering if anyone recognizes an issue with the application

    X fails to start with “stick” error:

    Module (II) already installed
    FATAL: error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.24-gentoo-r3/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko): invalid module format
    (EE) NVIDIA(0) Failed to load NVIDIA kernel module!
    (EE) NVIDIA(0) *** Cancel ***
    (EE) Screens found, but none of them have a working configuration

    Writes: “Invalid module format”, what could be the reason?

    Tried to help recompile NVIDIA drivers; It looks like it, but it still benefits from a lot of cash.
    Somewhere in the output is this:

    Failed to find symtab and strtab components in modules //lin/ /2.6.24-gentoo -r3/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko

    Can anyone help me?

    Details:I am upgrading my mainframe this morning, including adding kernel 2.6.25-r3. I discovered all the nvidia drivers, but later found out that they are not yet supported by such a kernel. still works…..

    Everything worked fine with NVIDIA/xorg until today tomorrow…

    Thank you very much!



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    Signed: January 5, 200472
    Posts: Jafaland, New Zealand

    Sunday 11 May 2008 8:13 pm Post subject: Nowrap>

    Hello Lexflex!


    The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

    try to do it

    create cd
    Modules /usr/src/linux
    Execute Module_install

    Then let those particular nvidia drivers show up again.
    Also check the symlink for the many pointed by your kernel (/usr/src/linux) to your family’s bootable kernel source.


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    Joined: March 05, 2006
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    /td >


    errors in the log file):

    Posted: Sunday 11 May 2008 9:12 pm Post subject:
    Hello colspan=”2″>

    I did as I said, so something I think has changed… It seems the module has now loaded the GLX and the “failed to load” error is now gone.

    However, I keep making Can’t X work hard…

    It ends with an AND (there are no more readabilitydatatable=”0″>

    (==) Log file: “/var/log/Xorg.0.log”, time: 06/23/44, Sunday 11 May 2008
    (==) With runconfig “/etc/X11/xorg.Conf”
    failed to load the nvidia kernel module gentoo

    (ii) modules already installed

    0: X(xf86SignHandler+0x6d) [0x47f83d]
    1: /lib/linc/so.6 [0x2b9dcac4f30]
    2: /usr/lib/tls/[0x2b9dcbe8d67e]

    Fatal server error 1:
    Caught 11 characters. The server is giving up.

    XIO: fatal I/O error (connection 104 via hard reset on host) X server “:0.0”
    After requests 0 (0 accepted processed) with 0 remaining events.

    When my husband and I try gdm or xglinfo it gives:

    Segmentation fault

    Does the client have any other tips for me to try? I will also restart the xorg server and the symlink will usually point to the current kernel…

    Thanks !

    failed to load the nvidia kernel module gentoo

    The ex.


    Hi Lexflex!

    try to do it

    cd /usr/src/linux
    make fashion
    Execute Module_install

    Then let the NVIDIA drivers reappear.
    Also check the link for the actual kernel symbol (/usr/src/linux) which points to the actual source file.the kernel code you are about to load.


    View src=Colspan=”2″> 08,325 jfp

    Registered: July
    Location: 2007
    Contribution: Virginia, USA

    sun:. May 20, 2008 9:51 pm threads From the message:

    Is it possible that users have accidentally configured nvidia kernel drivers in their new kernel?


    < Src="templates/gentoo/images/spacer /etc> lexflex

    Signed: March 05, 2006
    Posts: 363
    Location: Netherlands

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    the strange thing is that this 173 driver is the NVDIA cycle number I was trying to install on kernel 2.6.25!!!

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.

    Mon, May 12, 2008 06:02 AM Post subject:



    jfp wrote:
    It is possible that youaccidentally set up a male nvidia kernel and your female with a new kernel?

    No, and we’ve even recompiled each of our kernels, but that’s not at this stage…

    I also strangely get a “missing ELF file” error when some files (e.g. gdm) are not merged/rebuilt:


    /sbin/ is not an ELF file – it has wrong magic bytes at the beginning
    /sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/ may not document ELF, it has wrong geekbytes at the beginning
    /sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is definitely an ELF file – throws bad magic bytes on boot
    /sbin./usr/lib32/ldcinfig: link

    well corny