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    Sometimes your system may generate an error indicating that explorer.exe has encountered a fatal error. This error can be caused by a variety of reasons. Explorer.exe will most likely be a protected file developed by Microsoft Corporation. The file is stored on behalf of the Microsoft Windows operating system. The explorer.exe file is a Windows GUI wrapper commonly known as Windows Explorer. The graphical user interface also makes it easy to view your hard drives, versions and files.

    • Question

    • Antivirus software is sometimes corrupted by a virus or malware and deletes some antivirus files as well as system files, all of which may have been deleted and retained. This will display the most common error related to the explorer.exe class not being registered.

      WinCE6,build 3122 ARM-WM8505

      My friend wants me to fix a specific netbook (wireless book) for them (that’s all a person has and can afford). What happens is that after launching, double-click My Computer, you will also receive the following message: “A fatal error has occurred in the explorer.exe application. I have to lower it. “When I click OK, this item freezes the entire system, except that I can still move my mouse from my PC. The weird thing is that the error message on the back looks like the internet looks like Explorer – Feel the window. The only way to get out. It’s at the bus stop. So when is it If this happens again, I double-click the Internet Explorer icon and receive a corresponding message: “The iesample.exe application has encountered a new fatal error and needs to be terminated. I assume IE has taken over the distribution of different file types. How can I Take a tour to fix the problem without reinstalling anything (I wouldn’t add disks or software for you, and I doubt this personwill do it). I am from your current Windows world and have 0 CE experience. I thought I was going to update the software, but it seemed to me that it immediately took a lot of work (download hangs and VS2005, etc.). I wouldn’t mind upgrading this to R3 and then see if that helps. Are all the preset images I can use correct? Ideas?

    • Question

    • application explorer.exe encountered a serious error

      WinCE6 Build 3122 ARM-WM8505

      My friend wants me to fix some netbook (wireless book) for them (that’s all this person has and can afford). What’s Happening: After downloading, I double-click My Computer and I get the following message: Competent explorer.exe is serious and error. must be sealed. “When I click OK, the entire system freezes, except that I can still hover over my laptop or computer.The strange thing is that at the end of the error message, only the Internet looks like an explorer window. the way to end this is to close directly When it comes back, I double-click the Internet Explorer icon and get the corresponding message: “The iesample.exe application encountered a severe fatal error and is about to exit. It seems to me that IE should do the mapping of the selected file types. How can I Fix that without reinstalling everything (I wouldn’t buy disks or software for you and I doubt your girlfriend will). I come from my Windows world and have 0 experience with CE. I thought I would replace the software, but it looks like it will take a lot of work (download Add and VS2005, etc.). I would upgrade to R3 in the same way, but also see if that helps. Can I use any predefined images? Ideas?

    application explorer.exe encountered a serious error

    My friend wants me to fix this netbook for her (bwireless book) (that’s all she has and can afford). Sorry, what happened after launch, double click My Computer and you get the following value: “The explorer.exe application encountered a fatal error that subsequently occurred. must be stopped. “When I click OK, the rest of the system stops, except that I can still move the mouse pointer. What’s audacious is that there is a crossover window behind the internet that is about to close the error display. So if it is When it reappears, I double-click the Internet Explorer watermark and I get a similar message: “The iesample.exe application has encountered a fatal error and needs to be closed. It seems to me that IE took a lot longer than displaying certain file types. How should i Solve the problem, don’t reinstall everything (I didn’t have a trunk or software to do this, and I doubt it did). I am from the Windows world now and have 0 CE experience. I realized that I was going to update the software, but it still seems like a huge volume Home work (download Installation and VS2005, etc.). Now I want to upgrade this to R3 and see if expert status helps. Are there any ready-made illustrations I use? Ideas?

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.