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You may find an error stating that the createinstance file could not be found. It turns out there are several ways to fix this problem, so we’ll talk about that shortly.


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    I am trying to create a powerful instance of a class implemented in my pluggable library for defining a project type. I am using this exception:

    Failed to set type “action” from assembly. ‘SquidReports.DataCollector.Plugin.BES, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null ‘.

    In other written texts I am trying to create an object based on the assembly name and the class name like:

      modelObject is Activator.CreateInstance ((string) modelInfo.AssemblyName, (string) modelInfo.ModelName); 

    It is important to note here that I am making the install name “short”, not “full” (including version, culture, and PublicToken).However, MSDN clearly states:

    ‘assemblyName’ can automatically be one of the following: relatively simple name An assembly that has a path or file extension.

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      The ASR Pro repair tool is the solution for a Windows PC that's running slowly, has registry issues, or is infected with malware. This powerful and easy-to-use tool can quickly diagnose and fix your PC, increasing performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. Don't suffer from a sluggish computer any longer - try ASR Pro today!

      For the situation in which you would like Provide TypeExtensions to have an assembly, its path and its theme. are … bin TypeExtensions.dll.

    • The completed name of the signed assembly, consists of a simple hint, version, culture, and a public imperative token; Example: Version = 1 “typeextensions, .0.0.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 181869f2f7435b51 “.

    Specifically, I want to create an instance associated with the Action class defined in the SquidReports.DataCollector.Plugin.BES assembly.I am specifically referring to this assembly as a good guide to use when I am waiting for the same * .cs database I am trying to instantiate part of.

    Clean up your solution, rebuild it and start overIt seems to work in a number of ASP.NET projects, but this is the current simple console application.

    Check the devices specified in your config file.Again, this is often a simple console application that basically only uses the GAC and various projects of a particular solution in your local library

    1. Make sure the assembly is in the correct workingdirectory:

    I have no experience with this tool. Unfortunately, there is one thing that seems strange to me. During my entire debugging session, both the long and short versions of my assembly were found:

    === Pre-binding status information ===

    LOG: DisplayName = SquidReports.DataCollector.Plugin.BES partially) WRN: Partial binding information was previously provided for assembly:

    WRN: assembly name: SquidReports.DataCollector.Plugin.BES | Domain ID: 1

    WRN: Indicates that only part of the assembly machine display name is provided.

    createinstance file not found

    wrn: may cause the wrong build to be loaded into the workbook.

    WRN: It is recommended to provide a fully secure textual identity for the assembly,

    WRN: Consists of our own name, version, culture and group key token.

    Basically, some kind of generic CreateInstance () method is not used in application laws, since the type must be declared at compile time. If the notation is known at compile time, a purely natural instantiation syntax (operator new in C #, New in Visual Basic, gcnew in C ++) may be preferred.

    WRN. For more information and general consultation solutions for this issue, see the white paper

    … but it ends with a successful pre-install and the personal build is clearly mentioned in In the right place:

    createinstance file not found

    LOG: Try loading new url: /// C: /Source/C#/SquidReports/SquidReports.DataCollector/bin/x86/Debug/SquidReports.DataCollector.Plugin.BES.DLL.

    EDIT: here is the minimum concrete action class description. It’s really just a model class.

    Public Collective Action

     : ICollectible    public action ()            // Empty constructor        public action (int actionID, siteID, loop-string-name)            this is. = Action ID Action ID;        this is. = site id site id;        this.Name implies a name;        public int-ID get; regulate; // Real identity assigned by the database    [Button]    Population int ActionID get; regulate; // Identifier assigned by the API    public string SiteID get; regulate;    get the name of a public channel; regulate; 

    The ICollectible interface and then the [Key] attribute are part of another assembly. Not sure if this will work fine?

    EDIT a 2: As with Erik’s products below, I have of course performed the same checks for this situation on OTHER builds.

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.