Over the past week, a number of users have reported that they have come across trial and error suggestions for Dungeon Siege 3.


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    At Gundrig Estate, where there is a magical guardian who can request a password. Select the dialog option [speed] and you will automatically set a password. If the password is incorrect, the main magic guard will attack you. Quickly dodge the panic attack and guess again. If you do this often enough, the guardian can let you go and you will likely receive a document.

    In Dungeon Siege 3, you may be presented with actions to complete achievements and several other tasks. This guide has a downloaded Dungeon Siege 3 Action List to help you collect only actions to improve your end stats

    The actions listed below are usually grouped into statistics to make it easier to focus on at least one stat for a specific version of Dungeon Siege 3

    • Permanent Heroes – Complete 10 Side Quests – +2 Stamina
    • Savior Ehba – Complete 20 Side Quests – +3 Stamina
    • Royalist Ally – Mac- think about it, Queen to be saved – +5 stamina
    • Overseer of the Legion – save the room tye Guneriks – +3 stamina
    • Steadfast champion – maintaining 100,000 damage – + double stamina
    • Trial and error – guess until the gate opens – +2 stamina
    • Scientist – Collect 30 Knowledge – +3
    • Teacher – Collect 62 Knowledge – +4
    • One mind – agree to vote in the column 20 times – +1 will
    • Academic ally – Influence Reinhart’s will – +2 will
    • Merciful to victory – Economy Rajanis’s life – +2 will be
    • loyalty to the state – will receive Reinhart’s trust – +3 will be
    • Savior of the Legion – will transfer Ghent to the care of the Legion + 3 will be
    • Merchant- veteran – Give 250,000 in career +1 will be
    • Avatar of the highest virtue – ban individual rewards in Raven’s Rill – +5 will be
    • Charming Ally – Earn Katarina’s Trust – Dexterity +2
    • Encryption Solver – Find the password for the mansion door – Dexterity +2
    • Liberator – Free all prisoners from the tower – +5 mobility
    • Ehb Merchant – Sale from 100,000 components +2 mobility
    • Rivalry – 20 times disagree when choosing a convoy – +1 to atake
    • Proletarian Hero – Human Rights Cyclops – +3 Attack
    • Heavenly Ally – Earn Anjali’s Trust – +2 Attack

    dungeon siege 3 trial and error deed

    Dungeon Siege 3 Deed Guide is updated regularly. Please leave comments even if you find 3 acts in Dungeon Siege that were not listed above 😠€

    Blaine Smith

    Blaine “Captain Camper” Smith is one of the first Gamers Heroes startups. Now, disguised as an editor (just because we thought the public relations position was badly needed), he was assigned a lot of jobs that involved sleeping on your desk.If he doesn’t catch Z, you will surely find yourself discussing what he knows well, nothing to play with, recently released villains that he will never get to grips with, or a little broken on the site that never needs to be repaired.The best way to reach him is via Twitter

    Supreme Virtue Avatar => You have declined any other rewards offered to you by these humble Ravens Rill residents (+5 Will)
    Trial and error => Your undeniable determination,finally defeated the Spirit Guardian of the Gunderic Estate (+2 stamina)
    Cipher Solver => You have found the password for the magically sealed mailbox of the Gunderic Estate (+2 mobility)
    Legion Steward => You have decided that the Legion must maintain control of Gunerik’s Estate (+3 stamina)
    Lescanzi’s Ally => You have control of Gunerik’s Estate => You have control of Gunerik’s Estate to your current witch Lescanzi Leon (+3 will) surrendered
    Ironhand => You defied Jane Cassinder’s wrath and killed his servant archon Rajani (+2 attack)
    Merciful in victory => You saved the life of Chief Archon Rajani and proved that the Legion can be merciful despite the fact that enemies can ent (+2 will)
    Lord Protector points to Stonebridge => You gave a matching Dapper Old Gent to the Indian experts of Stonebridge so that he could possibly be prosecuted for his criminal acts (+3 persistence)
    Redeemer of the Legion => You saved an elegant Old Gentleman but from the wrath of the city authorities and gave him refuge with the Legion (+3 becomes)
    Proletarian hero => Thanks to an individual, cyclops, workto become the same in the foundry. Enjoy your rights, even if humans and goblins (+3 attacks)
    Strikebreakers => You broke the blow on the Great Foundry and did not yield to the professionals of Cyclops (+3 will)
    Royalist Ally => They showed the unwavering support of the leader (+5 stamina)
    Liberator => You have freed all these special prisoners in the Dungeon of the Spire (+5 agility)

    We are the Legion => You are all like dust recognized by the Legion (+4 stamina) is collected
    Heavenly ally => You have received the recognition of Archon Anjali (+2 attack of loyalty)
    Fiery => Anjali’s trust in people has become stable (+3 attack)
    Anjali’s influence => Anjali’s influence +++ (+5 Attack)
    Enchanting ally => You gained some of the mad Katarina’s trust (+2 agility)
    Buddy’s shooter => Katarina enjoy her great company, and she sees this friend in you (+3 agility)
    Katarina’s Influence => Katarina’s Influence +++ (+5 Dexterity)
    Montbarron’s Ally => You Have Lucas Montbar’s Confidence rona (+ 2 stamina) Loyal Guardian => Lucas is impressed by the other choices you have made, and you are blessed with his unshakable tenacity Fatality (+3 Stamina)
    Comrade in Arms => Lucas believes that someone is a true example of Legionnaire’s principles. His loyalty to you can be absolute (+5 perseverance)
    Academic ally => Earn Reinhart’s trust (+2 will)
    Loyalty to the state => Earn Reinhart’s respect (+3 will)
    Advance => Befriend your closest friend Reinhart (+5 Will)

    full-time hero => You completed 10 side quests (+2 stamina)
    rescuers with Ehb => You have completed 15 side quests (+3 stamina)
    Lorekeeper => You have collected 30 entries in your main collection Ehb Lore (+3 wills)
    Teacher => You have collected 60 files in your collection von Ehb Lore ( +4 Will)
    Permanent Champion => You took 100,000 damage during your adventure (+2 perseverance)
    Veteran Merchant => You spent 250,000 coins in your career (+1 would)
    Dealer Ehb => You have sold items worth at least 100,000 coins. ces (+2 mobility)


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    If yes, then your actions are ignored, please post them in the same format. Ask for extra tights. Information comes from many sources, includingOther Gamefaq users in another thread of mine, thank you all 🙂

    Your pain will become legendary!

    Ultimate Virtue Avatar => You have turned down every reward offered by the very humble inhabitants of Raven’s Rill (+5 will)
    Trial and Error => Your undeniable determination finally defeated the enchanting Guardian Gunerik at the Manor (+2 stamina)
    Number solver => You have discovered a new password for Gunerik’s magically sealed entrance to the Manor (+2 mobility)
    Overseer of the Legion => You have decided that the Legion should retain control of Gunerik’s manor (+ 3 stamina)
    Lescanzi’s ally => You usually transferred control of Guneric’s estate to the witch Lescanzi Leone (+3 Willpower)
    Ironhand => You defied Jane Cassinder’s wrath and killed his archon servant Rajani (+2 attacks) < br> Graceful in victory => You spared the life of a certain archon, Rajani, and proved that the entire Legion can be merciful, even with its n enemies (+2 wills)
    Lord Protector and er Stonebridge => You gave away a well-groomed old gentleman to officials of Stonebri dge to someone where he can stand trial forand your misdeeds (+3 persistence)
    Redeemer of the Legion => You saved Old Ghent from the wrath of the city authorities and sold him a shrine with the Legion (+3 wills)
    Proletarian hero => Thanks to one man, the Cyclopes working in the foundry enjoy the same rights as humans and kobolds (+3 attacks)
    Strikebreakers => You interrupted the Great Foundry’s strike and did not grant yourself life-long concessions to the Cyclops workers (+3 wills)
    Royalist ally => You have there is unshakable support for showing the highest rating (+5 stamina)
    Liberator => You have freed all prisoners in the Spire dungeon (+5. Agility)

    We are the Legion => You have gathered all the known descendants of the Legion (+4 stamina)
    Heavenly ally => You have won the trust of Archon Anjali (+2 attacks.))
    Loyalty flared => Anjali’s trust in everyone has become unshakable (+3 Attack)
    Anjali’s Influence => Anjali’s Influence +++ (+5 Attack)
    Charming Ally => You’ve gained trust overall, capricious Katarina (+2 Agility)
    sniper buddy => Katarina enjoys her company and considers you another friend (+3 agility)
    Katarina’s Influence => Katarina’s Influence +++ (+ 5 Dexterity)
    Montbarron’s Ally => You’ve won Lucas Montbarron’s trust (+2 stamina)
    Loyal Guardian => Lucas is impressed with your moves and you too earned his unwavering loyalty (+3 stamina)
    Comrade in Arms => Lucas sees your family as Le Gion’s true example and principles. His loyalty to you is undoubtedly absolute (+5 Perseverance)
    Academic Ally => Earn Reinhart’s Trust (+2 Wills)
    Tribal Loyalty => Earn Reinhart’s Respect (+3 Wills)
    Promotion of Friendship => Become Reinhart’s closest friend (+5 Will)

    VARIOUS heroic deeds
    full time => You have completed 10 side quests (+2 stamina)
    Rescuer Ehb => You have completed 23 side quests (+3 stamina)
    Scientist => You have collect 30 records in your Ehb doctrine collection (+3 wills)
    teacher => You have collected 60 data in your Ehb doctrine collection (+4 wills)
    Standing Champion => You constantly need 100,000 damage points during your Adventures (+2 stamina)
    Veteran Merchant => You have spent 250,000 coins in your career (+1 will)
    Tradec Ehb => You have sold at least 100,000 items of value (+.) 2 mobility)

    If so, other actions are ignored here, post them in the new format. Be sure to ask for tights. The information comes from various sources, including other Gamefaq users, and many thanks to me 🙂

    dungeon siege 3 trial and error deed

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