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    If you got an example of a sql error handling error, today’s blog post should help.

    PL/SQL is a lightweight language that allows developers to finally combine the power of SQL with procedural instructions. All instructions for most blocks are immediately passed to your Oracle engine, which in itself improves processing speed and reduces the number of page views.

    In this important chapter, we will discuss PL/SQL’s exceptions. The exception is a new severe error in the conditions of the runtime program. PL/SQL helps programmers detect such circumstances by using the exception block approach and taking appropriate action on the error condition. There are actually two types of exceptions −

  • System exceptions
  • Custom exceptions
  • Exception Handling Syntax

    Declared custom exceptions are found in a package, solid subroutine, or declaration section of a PL/SQL block, including code, and must be given a name. When an exception occurs, the thread of execution stops, by default then execution points to the human exception section in the PL/SQL value.

    General exception handling is similar in syntax to leads. Here you can list as many exceptions as you can accept. The standard exception is handled with WHEN other THEN −

    EXPLAIN BEGIN AN EXCEPTION IF Exception1 THEN Exception Handling Instructions IF Exception2 THEN Exception handling instructions 2 IF Exception3 THEN Exception3 Handling Instructions …….. EUDO other THAT Exception3 Handling InstructionsEND;



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    Let’s post some code that illustrates how to think. We will use the CUSTOMERS table we created and used in the previous −

    STATE parts client type 8; :equals C_name customerS.Name%type; C_addr client.address%type;BEGIN SELECT address header, INTO c_name, c_addr clients WHERE id = c_id; DBMS_OUTPUT .PUT_LINE(‘Name: ‘|| c_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘address’: || c_addr);AN EXCEPTION IF THEN no_data_found dbms_output. put_line(‘No client!’); IF people THEN dbms_output. put_line(‘Error!’);END;/

    Answer: To prevent the PLSQL machine from crashing in exchange for an exception when a record is not found, you must first determine the number of subrecords to return. For example: — At the very least, make sure that the record can be resubmitted. COUNT(1) SELECT INTO FROM v_count sales.

    Running the above on the SQL command line prefix results in the following event – ˆ’

    There is no such client!Se pl/sql operations completed successfully.above

    The above program displays the name and address of the client of the one whose ID is given. Since there is no client with ID 8 in our database, the entire program throws a runtime exception which is no_data_found, caught in the EXCEPTION block.

    Throw Exceptions

    Exceptions are thrown automatically by the current database server when an internal Database errors, the developer can explicitly initiate a downgrade with the RAISE command. Here is a simple syntax for throwing an exception ˆ’

    EXPLAIN exception name EXCEPTION;BEGIN IF THEN condition exception name RAISE; END IF;AN EXCEPTION IF exception name THEN declaration;END;

    pl sql error handling example

    You can use the format file above to fire a default Oracle exception or a custom exception. In the next general section, we’ll give someone an example of how easy it is to throw a user-defined exception. Similarly, you can throw standard Oracle exceptions.

    Custom Exclusions

    PL/SQL allows you to define custom real exceptions depending on the needs of your program. A user-defined exception to this rule must be specified Explicitly declared, either with the RAISE annotation or with the DBMS_STANDARD procedure. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.

    PL/SQL allows you to define your own exceptions according to the needs of your program. A custom exception must be declared raised and then explicitly declared either with a RAISE declaration or with a procedure using DBMS_STANDARD.RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.



    The following study illustrates this concept. This program generates an identifier customer. If the end user enters an invalid ID, an invalid_id exception is thrown.

    declare c_id &cc_id; := C_name customerS.Name%typ; C_addr client.address%type; – various customs EXCEPTION ex_invalid_id;BEGIN IF c_id <= 5 THEN INCREASE ex_invalid_id; DIFFERENT SELECT name, resolves to c_addr c_name FROM clients WHERE id = c_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name: '|| c_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Address: ha || c_addr); End if;an exception IF ex_invalid_id THEN Dbms_output .put_line('ID must be greater than zero!'); no_data_found IF then dbms_output. Put_line('no tel clients!'); IF other THEN dbms_output. put_line('Error!');END; in/

    If the above style is executed in SQL-Moment, it produces the following end result, such as the value −

    enter cc_id: for -6 (change the value to -6)old pair: c_id &cc_id;new clients C_id 2:.-6;ID:= id%type must be greaterZero procedure! PL/SQL completed successfully.

    Predefined Exceptions

    pl sql error handling example

    PL/SQL provides many predefined exceptions that are actually thrown when a program violates a database data rule. For argument’s sake built-in exceptionNO_DATA_FOUND occurs when an INTO SELECT statement returns no rows. The following table lists some important predefined ˆ’


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