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Recently, some of our users reported that they encountered code design errors when properly deployed.


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    Recently I’ve been working on adding a few variations to my Hiragana app for iPhone, which I’ll unfortunately submit to the App Store any day now.

    codesign error valid provisioning

    However, this place is not amazing in other ways. On the contrary, it is a stumbling block that I ran into when I was looking for a custom distribution. Instead of the main expected “Success” message, Xcode gave my vision an error CodeSign Error: A real provisioning profile is required for the “Application” product type target in the “Device – iPhone OS 2.0” SDK.

    None of our classic Xcode reload and cleanup tricks worked. After banging my head against the screen for a while (this imac desktop screen is surprisingly solid), I was finally able to figure out that unfortunately my project file wasn’t set to the top level to use the provisioning file I installed in system. .

    After the final build of the app I added, new devices are added to my custom custom deployment profile. This seems to have taken Xcode by surprise after failing to uninstallaxis update the forecast file with the new deployment ID. Yes

    Here are the steps that worked for me, they may work for someone else:

    1. Go to ~/Library/MobileDevices/Provisioning Profiles and open your custom configuration file in another text editor, I used Smultron.

    4. Change to the project directory and make a special backup copy of the MyProject.xcodeproj file.

    5. In the Finder, right-click but select Show Package Contents in MyProject.xcodeproj.

    7. Find all lines in order “PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]” = “xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”; accommodation in a special area.

    8. Replace part of the assigned value with the ID of the provisioning file you copied earlier.

    It helped me. Hope this works for you if you’re having the same problem right away.

    codesign error valid provisioning

    A few days ago when we updated XCode 7.2, iOS9.2 and watchOS2.1, I reported a distribution build error (works great for AdHoc and Aria-label=”Code” >Code-Debugging): < /p>

    I deleted all existing provisioning profiles, tried other encoder certificates (for distribution), and deleted/reset everything that came to my mind. Of course, I checked that the provided certificates contain my Apple Watch. It REALLY frustrates me that I usually have to provide Apple Watch Inc. to get the redistributable version of the Watch Apple App+ extension, but whatever.

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.