Over the past few weeks, some users have reported to us that they have experienced DirectX blocking.


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    Locks a large selection of data vertices and gets that pointer into vertex guard memory.


    lock directx

    blocking HRESULT( [c] UINT OffsetToLock, [c] UINT SizeToLock,  [out] void **ppbData, [in] DWORD flags);



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    An offset in the vertex data to capture everything in bytes. To lock the end vertex buffer, set both the SizeToLock and OffsetToLock factors to 0.

    Size in bytes of vertex data to lock. To lock the entire vertex buffer, set the SizeToLock and OffsetToLock parameters to 0.

    VOID* Pointer to the memory barrier containing the returned data node.

    Combinations of zero or more lock flags that describe the type of lock work well. The correct flags for this method are:

  • Return Value

    If the method succeeds, D3D_OK is returned. If the method fails, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL.A may be returned

    As a general rule, don’t hold the lock for more than one frame. When working with b You can make multiple calls to vertex spheres. Of course, you need to make sure that the percentage of blocked views matches the selection of unblocked views. Calls to DrawPrimitive cannot complete if the number of pending locks is in the vertex buffer in the current series.

    The D3DLOCK_DISCARD and D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE flags are probably only valid for buffers created in D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC.

    For more information on D3DLOCK_DISCARD using D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE with IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::Lock, see Using dynamic vertex and index buffers.


    Target platform Windows
    Title d3d9helper.h (including D3D9.h)
    Library D3D9.lib

    See See Also

  • 2 minutes to read
  • Lock Our Buffers

    Locking space seems to be one of the most misunderstood calls in Direct3D, especially managed DirectX. How to finish castles and starve yourself seems to be a particularly difficult question for people.

    But pre Where do we get to this, what is a “buffer lock”? It can be easy to allow our handler to access the realm associated with your resource. Because your site can’t interact directly with the image hardware, there must be a great way to serve vertex data from within your application, including any blocking mechanism. Check out the different lock overloads that exist for our vertex and index graph buffers (they take parameters):

    public is similar to System.Array Lock ( System.Int32 offsetToLock , Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.LockFlags …

    Found fix for CPU at 100% usage and occasional FPS drops. DirectX 12 makes my PC game run smoother with GTX 970 and i7 6700 but locks FPS around 60. Is this normal? (Direct X 11 slows down video games)


    /// Generate buffer vertices using vertices based on position, normal, and the eight sets created by the texture data. /// void city BuildVertices_PositionNormalTextured8() { Graphic poutflow; DataCore.VertexFormats.PositionNormalTextured8[] sort= Unique DataCore.VertexFormats.PositionNormalTextured8[_page.TerrainPatch.NumVertices]; reach ( int i implies 0; i < tri.Length; i++ ) sort[i].Position = _page.TerrainPatch.Vertices[i].Position; sort[i].Normal = _page.TerrainPatch.Vertices[i].Normal; if ( _page.TerrainPatch.NumTextures > 3 ) for ( int j is 0; j < _page.TerrainPatch.NumTextures && d < 8; j++ ) sort[i].SetTextureCoordinates( _page.TerrainPatch.GetTextureCoordinateList(k)[i], No); different Sort[i].New settexturecoordinates( Vector2( 0f, 0f ), 0 ); must ( _vb != null ) if ( !_vb. Ready ) _vb.Locate(); _vb is zero; _vb = new D3D.VertexBuffer(typeof(DataCore.VertexFormats.PositionNormalTextured8), tri.Length, _viewport.Device, D3D.Usage.WriteOnly,
    lock directx

    The software to fix your PC is just a click away - download it now.